C H A P T E R - F I V E

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Okay so the reason why I'm doing this where Y/N be obvious af is because I've been reading too many yandere dsmp books and I swear I'm addicted. KIDS DON'T BE LIKE YOUR WRITER INTERNET MOTHER. Anyway :) Enjoy the story my children.


Eret's pov:

This would hurt me a lot...

We all made our way to the van to make a plan for Tommy fighting Dream. Let me tell you a little secret. I'm working with the Dream Team. I'm just here to be a spy for them. Do I regret it? Somewhat. Let's just see where this will be going.

It seems like we all have a crush on Y/N. We are all falling for a person that was dying and didn't even know how to walk a few months ago. It seems like even Dream got a little crush on them. When I go to their base and randomly walk into Dream's room to tell him that dinner is ready, he always looks so flustered and hides something. One day, for a split second I swear I saw a drawing of Y/N but he quickly hid it once I entered his room.

After this...Y/N might never love me. but it's for the best.

It was never meant to be.


We all surrounded a table thinking while Y/N sat next to me. I wanted to hold them closer to me. I wanted them to be happy. They told me everything about them. They were so beautiful/handsome. Their eyes started to close and they leaned on my shoulder. Everyone shot their heads to me and anger was written all over them.

The conversation started again. Once and a while I got a mean look at me. It doesn't matter, as long as Y/N is by my side then I'll be fine. They were quiet as they slept. I dragged my fingers through their soft and neat hair. I didn't want to let them go. I didn't want to leave L'manburg just because of them.

It took a few hours for them to wake up again. Once everyone was awake, I told them the plan. I was dreading this moment. It scared me. What if I offer them to join but they don't? What will happen?

The plan continued on. Everything was perfect and in line. But it also wasn't. Someone was missing. How could I not see? Y/N was missing.

Y/N's pov:

Once we entered the passage to the 'Final Control Room' I felt uneasy. Something about if felt...I don't know, dangerous? I tried to brush it off, but that didn't work. I still felt tired so I weakly tugged on Wilbur's dark blue jacket that was decorated with gold. He looked at me confused once I tugged on it.

"Can we go back? Something here makes me feel uncomfortable."
He just patted my head and answered,
"Come on, you're just being paranoid. There is nothing to fear. But if you are so worried then you can go back to the van and start getting healing potions for tomorrow and for the war."

I just nodded and ran upstairs. The 'room' was far away from the van, so even the loudest screams wouldn't be heard.


It has been a few hours. Too long. It's starting to get suspicious. I finished making the potions. There was nothing to do and it was quiet. Not even the slightest of sound could be heard. I didn't want to be alone so I ran outside to check the Control Room. There...There I saw the most horrific sense. Blood scattered heavily over the walls and floors. The bodies of my 'family' and the Dream Team finishing them off. The swords held the blood of my friends.

I couldn't help but cry as I hid behind a wall. I didn't want to make a sound. This was all because the person that did this all. The person that I trusted so much. The one and only, Eret. He could tell all my secrets to Dream and I would be dead. He could tell my weakness.

They all left the scene with blood covering them. I stood at one of the openings in the wall as they left. Eret was left. He took a bit longer. He stared at his 'family' and started crying?

"Eret..." I said barley below a whisper. His eyes shot to me. My eyes started to water more. He has seen my eyes before. I took off the cloth that covered them. He looked shocked.

Eret's pov:

I screwed up so badly. I had to do it though. For the greater good. I looked around the blood filled room; something caught my attention. A voice that was soft and teary like they were shredded. It was below a whisper. I shot my head to the figure, now knowing that I wasn't alone. They stood at one of the wall passages. I wanted to speak. I wanted to explain but I couldn't. No matter what I did, it would just probably make it worse.

I didn't want them to find out this way. I really fucked this one up, didn't I?
A loud and demanding voice spoke my name. It was Dream. It was probably because I was taking so long.
"...I'm so sorry. I'll explain it later."
I started to run up the stairs in my fab heels ;)

Y/N's pov:

Everything was silent again. Luckily, I brought my potions with me and started healing the deep wounds first and bandaged them all up. Once they were all finished, I carried them all to the infirmary. Dream and his team...now including Eret, already left the base. Now I was really alone yet I felt something or even someone watching me.

I carried everyone to a bed for them to rest and started to heal them and concentrated on injuries that couldn't be healed with only potions. I poured the rest of the healing potions in their mouths making them heal faster. Now I need to make more of them.


Hours passed. Still no sign of movement or even being alive. It was getting colder. The blankets weren't going to cut it. I grabbed as many hoodies, shirts and coats that I had that would fit them and sat there in the cold. It was better for them to stay warm and not me. I wrapped my coat that I was wearing around Wilbur. I mean, he was the leader after all.


Seconds turned into minutes and minutes turned into hours. Tommy wouldn't even be able to fight in these conditions-if he even wakes up. I would need to take his place if he didn't wake up. My thoughts were stopped when I heard a loud snap from outside. I didn't care who it was. I was in so much pain. I was cold, hungry, griefing and felt so much betrayal.

The door swung open and it was...


Sorry to leave you guys on a cliffhanger, I have school and I need to think of who it should be. Byeeee my children. Have a good rest of your day and take care of yourself :)

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