chapter 30

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so basically y/n will be singing a song. this will probably be the song. idk I just wanted it.

it was lucky. it was lucky the whole time. the shadow that hid behind me was replaced with a simple looking shadow. one that looked like me. it was obviously lucky. they gave me a tight embrace. I quickly turned around and returned it.

"don't ever leave me again, lucky"
I cried into their shoulder. I was still a bit salty.
"I won't. I promise,"
they whispered into my ear. I trusted their promise. I trusted them. I mean, I have no one else to trust anyways.

"now come along. let's go home."
they said quite happy. I looked down to my feet.
"lucky. that isn't my home anymore. they kicked me out."
"oh I know. that's why we are making our own"
I looked up again. a bit of confusion covered my face but also joy.


how long has it been? six days? Well that doesn't matter. me and lucky now live in a little hut in the forest. but underground is our real base. we were both ready for the war. it seems like we were really lucky with lucky around. it matches up with their name.

now we were in the forest. just having fun. we were running around for a bit then we started singing. lucky starts playing on the guitar they somehow brought with them while I started singing (okay look, I can't remember if the song has guitar in it but just pretend it does. I can't listen to the song because my sister is in the room and I can't Google it because Google with probably say nothing.)

~I come from terrorists and anarchists
and picks who think their god
We lack apologies, ideologies
But let's not get philosophical
Excercising leverage and sentimental goods
I fought through everything, more than I thought I could~

~You were the essence of our nation
You were true blue, you were cracke-

I was peacefully singing with my eyes closed and with confidence. lucky was focused on playing they right keys on the guitar so they or I couldn't see what was ahead of us.

I was cut off from my singing by something. I bumped right into and fell onto the ground. lucky realised that I stopped singing and rushed over to me. I look up to see what I bumped into.

there stood a man. could I even call this a man. it was more like a giant! he stood a brave 6'6. he even looked around the age of Tommy. his face and his hair was cut in half with black and white. his hair was neatly separated while small black dots infected the white and the white raided the black. it was quite mesmerising to look at.

they had their hand out to help me. I casually took his hand.
"sorry about that."
he nervously laughed while rubbing the back of his neck.
"no, no. it fine. it was my fault. I wasn't looking, "
i reasured him.
it was silent after that.

"I'm y/n and that's lucky."
he quickly scrambled to look into his book. it was a leather book with the words of 'do not read'. it was written on the cover. it looked more ripped then written.

he then closed his book.
"sorry I don't remember you. and my book doesn't say anything about you. have we met before?"
"oh, no. we haven't."
"oh. Well I'm ranboo. I better get going now. I'll see you later."
and with that he ran away writing something in his book.

I turned over to lucky. they didn't look as confused as I looked.
"they joined L'manburg when you were stuck with the dream team."
i just nodded my head. of course lucky would know that.

we made our way back home to prepare for war. it was in a few days. I haven't been staying in contact with quackity I need to distance myself away from him again. I didn't want to catch feelings again just to break them at war. life was going to be hard like this.


"good morning!"
"Jesus Chris. you scared me lucky."
I was just peacefully laying on my bed until I saw the figure of me tower over me. was it just me or did they look different.
"hey lucky, is it just me or do you look a bit different?"
they had a small amount of dark brown hair. almost black. once I asked that question, it quickly faded away.
"nope! must by your imagination! now come on. let's go get some flowers for ranboo!"

I wandered as they pulled my hand to get out of bed. I was immediately dragged to a flower field.
"wait why ranboo. we don't even know if we will see him again."
they slowly turned their head to me.
they stated at me in silence for a bit.

"look! it's ranboo's favourite flower!"
they pointed to a purple flower.
"allium? how did you know that's ranboo's favourite flower."
I quired
"you need to understand that I have my ways, y/n. now come on. let's make some flower crowns!"

we spent almost half an hour making flower crowns. we would avoid some flowers. they looked like the flowers that are the same colours as my 'friends'. I didn't mind. I didn't want to really remember them. After what they did to me. we collected allium and made them into flower crowns. we also got some of my favourite flowers and made them into flower crowns.

I put a flower crown on lucky's head but it all turned into withered flowers.
"oh, sorry about that."
I shook my head. it was fine. I knew that they couldn't really wear that many living things before making them a dead version. it was fine though.

it was nice to spend time with lucky after so long. but I needed to ask a very important question.
"hey, lucky. can I ask you a question?"
they hummed in response.
"where did you go for limbo? who did you see there?"
"why would you ask that type of question?"
"well it's because I had dream before of me in a room full of mirrors. I was crying and I looked into one of the mirrors. it had you I think in the same position I was in. crying as well. but there was someone behind you. or two people behind you."

they sighed.
"look. I can't explain right now. but I promise that I will. I will one day. you will have a better understanding but it just isn't a good time right now."
i just nodded my head and went back to making flower crowns.

a chill went down my spine. someone was watching me? oh yeah, it was the boy that Tommy spoke about. he didn't say much about him. he was just a boy. I open my book and record everything that happened. I haven't really got enough time to do so.

once I finished, I smiled at the results. the memorys. everything. it was finally peaceful again. but not for long. the war was tomorrow. there was some shit going down.

Wilbur pov real quick:

y/n. where were they? they weren't the traitor. they could of been and I would know but they aren't. dream made sure of that. dream has had no sign of y/n. neither quackity or anyone else in the manburg walls.

we made a bad choice. well, they did. I was the traitor all along. but for them to accuse my darling. my only love. that was too far. and I couldn't say shit. if I did, they would suspect me as well. that would be the last thing I wanted right now. and y/n dying I guess. everything is in place. it's all about to BLOW tomorrow. it's going to be perfect. maybe then. just then I can tell them how I feel.


yassss! slay Wilbur. be that simpbur and distroy manburg! anyways I'm going to separate days by this ***

love you all so much! thank you for the support and have a great rest of your day!

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