C H A P T E R - S E V E N

259 7 10

Hello. Welcome back. I feel a bit better but my body still hurts due to the activities we had to do on the trip (not that one you dirty minded people). It was like climbing and other stuff. I hurt myself a lot. Let's get on to the story! Also I'm very sorry for how many times they pass out. They are just weak af.


I passed out again. This really does show how weak I am. Now I'm being carried back to L'manburg. Their argument must have taken a while since I was awake. I would open my eyes and punch them, but there was a big problem. I'm fatigued, I'm weak, they are stronger than me and they are helping me back home.

Every movement of theirs was stealthy, quick and gentle. They must really care. Yeah right. For god sakes, I'm literally the enemy! They can't fall in love with the enemy! Or can they?

Everything I did was wrong. According to them at least. I wanted to cry once again. But I couldn't. They would know I'm awake and I was still dehydrated.

We made it back to L'manburg and that was where the screaming, questions and all sorts happened. They were asking questions like, 'Why are they asleep?', 'Why do you have them?', 'Where were they?'. It was so annoying. The man that held me (probably George) stayed silent while Dream just mumbled under his breath. Despite their 'care', George dropped me on the floor and they both left, leaving me with the angry; confused people.

I was picked up again and placed in a bed. It was soft. It felt better than the floor. It was familiar and warm. Almost instantly, I fell into a deep sleep again. That was the place I slept till morning.


It was morning again. This time, it wasn't so peaceful. There were people running around and getting supplies for Tommy's battle. I walked outside and felt a hand on my shoulder. It was a strong grip. The voice of Tommy entered my ear.

(He was literally right next to your ear.)

He whispered comforting words.
"Good morning, princess. Don't stress today. It's going to be fine. That green bastard will die under my strength."

I slightly laugh at the end. He lets go and looks at me with the best smile he could fake. It would fool most people but to me, it was obvious that he was nervous. He doesn't even know if he will make it out of this one. He does a lot of stupid shit, yeah, but this is the most stupid thing he has ever agreed to. He would lose his discs and I would be taken away to fight against them. Not only that, he could get severely hurt.


Time passed. It was now or never. They both enter the field. Silence engulfed the world just for this moment. The Dream Team had a horrible smirk on their face but they also looked slightly worried (Dream didn't). Meanwhile, L'manburg basically stood like an ant compared to them. They were absolutely terrified. Now was the time. They stood back to back. This is for everything.

"10 spaces. Are you ready?"
There was only silence.

"I'll take that as a yes.

It went by so fast. Tommy shot but instantly missed by his shaking figure. Dream shot right after him. He had his arrow shoot right into Tommy's heart. I could help but cry. I rushed over, not caring if I got hurt. So many voices called my name. Even the ones in my head. Once I was near the almost breathless body, I poured healing potion on the wound and wrapped it up.

Welcome to the world of hell (DSMP)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें