chapter 56 (the village that went mad)

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                             do we all know what's going to happen? plus, this is still related to the story. not some new storyline thing like the chapters of stupid shit. also, that's the most words I've ever done.


Miles Memington=George

it was a day like no other. the sun rose from the mountains to shine on our village. it was a really small village. smaller then the others. only a few people chose to live here. it was away from any other civilisation.

like always, every towns member comes to the fountain in the middle of the town. it was just what we did everyday. usually we didn't have visitors for one reason. there was a rumour that there was a few killers in this town. and of course I was one of them.

we all went to the fountain. helga was being weird like always. she was the only female in this town. I was more of a non binary person.

Robin seemed to sit alone again. he was the towns orphan. we don't really know how old he is or what happened to his parents. he just said that they died.

cornelirus and Catboy lives with one another. there isn't enough houses for all of us. I was lucky to also get my own house.

Bob was the builder of this town. he came after Jimmy, the mayor. helga always claims to be his wife but constantly cheats on him. he doesn't really mind and says that hey aren't together. usually he would hit helga..

there was a tower. we didn't know why it was there. it just was. rumour has it, that there is a boy in purple. he usually sits there and observes all of us.

chatter filled the secluded town. helga would go up to the males and say that she would give them 'thunderhead'. I'd rather not know what that is and keep my young mind as pure as possible while also being a murder.

after hours of us all talking, it was already turning night. there was a weary atmosphere that sunk into everyone. After that, we all went into our houses.

Helga, being the weird person she is, she kept going into people's houses and running outside. she kept saying that she has no place to sleep for the night.

after a while, she finally went into a house. the unlucky victim was Miles Memington himself. he kept begging for the woman to get out of his house but she didn't leave. none of us got much sleep that night.

every night, the only doctor in the village can save someone for the night. they can only chose one since it's dangerous at night. the unknown doctor then leaves their house to go into Jimmy's.

once everyone is asleep, me, jack and Bob come together. we all sat at the fountain and plot for who to kill. After a bit of quiet debating, we all agreed to kill cornelirus. Catboy was sound asleep. ponk covered his mouth to muffle the screams and Bob did the job. I was watching over catboy to make sure he didn't wake up.

the investigator investigated someone over night. that information was hidden from the all of us.


we all woke up and went to the fountain. the chatter continued until we all started to realise, someone was missing. cornelius the wise, as people would like to call him. I successfully hid my smirk with a small sniffle and cry. everyone looked over to the one person who was in the same house as him, catboy. he claimed that he was blind.

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