chapter 17

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Umm so we got like 126 viewers now. Uhh. I'm honestly shocked. I should stop making chapters since I need to edit the old ones but I can't. Something inside me tells me that I need to do it.

"Y/n? What are you doing here?"

That voice was so familiar. Everything was so familiar. It was like I forgot everything. What did happen. All I remember is being pushed off a cliff. How did I survive? I was quickly dragged out of my thoughts.

"Y/n? Earth to Y/n?"
Tommy's voice spoke. It sounded like he was trying to hold back a laugh.
"Huh? What? Uhh. Why am I here? I got dragged here by someone and I woke up in a bed. Now why are you here Tubbo?"
Everyone just looked shocked. Tubbo wasn't the only one there. How much did I miss? Practically everyone was there. Tubbo, Tommy, Wilbur, Techno, Niki, Fundy...Fundy?

The fox boy caught my eye. Why was he here? Didn't he hate his father? Or is that too far in the timeline? Wait, what timeline? I just walked out without telling them where I was going. They were all apparently making a plan for the war against Pogtopia and Manburg.

I made my way outside. The trees were spreaded perfectly. There was a gap in front of the cave for an opening to see the midnight sky. How strange. There wasnt any stars in the sky today. The small voices were all gone. That never happened. This whole place is strange. I just want it to be normal again. It was fun to be apart of L'manburg and fighting against the Dream Team.

But we all need to grow up one day.

I didn't even notice that I was moving. My legs took me somewhere without my control. I just let it. A few minutes passed and I found myself at a river where I would always go to. I needed to get away from the war when I was younger. Wilbur found where it was and soon tommy and Tubbo. I didn't mind. They were my real friends after all. They weren't those 'friends' in the 'real' world.

I sat down and put my legs over the water. The thought came back to me. The thought that I put in the back of my mind so it would never come back.
'Do I ever want to go to the real world again?'
An obvious answer, right? No. It isn't. This isn't a real world. Or is it? This isn't the world that I belong in at least. I know that. That is only because I opened my door to my-what used to be-house in L'manburg. There sat a book that was written in glowing letters
'The Tales Of The SMP'

It had various story's of all of us. But I want in any of them. It was like I didn't belong. There was a story that was all smudged and crossed out. only a few words stood out.

At the very end of that story it said that it wasn't right. It said that the timeline was messed up because of me. It still looked important. I kept it, even if it was just a silly little prank.

But who would put so much work in this book for a little prank?

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But who would put so much work in this book for a little prank?

I kept it everywhere I went. Sometimes I would even make my own story in there. It was all that happened in my life. One day, I open the book to see it magically updated in real time. Each letter was formed slowly as it was written. Another story in another timeline.

Once it was done, I continued my story and thought nothing of it. I must be imagining things again. While I was writing, a portal noise came from the forest behind me. The loud river counterbalanced it though. Even though it was just my imagination, I was still curious. Was it really
been my imagination?

I felt something watch me. Or was it someone. I look around and saw a glimpse of a light blue. I sat back down and had the feeling again. If I saw it again, I would chase after it.

I wrote down what I remember from the day. When I finished, I closed the book. But then it opened by itself and wrote a discription about someone that looked like me.

It wrote a story about them and their friends. It was all my friends. They were the characters in the rest of the story. But it couldn't be my story, right? I mean, I was writing my own and my story and the original one was all crossed out. I sat there and read it all. That was until Tommy and Tubbo appeared from the trees. I quickly closed the book and hid it in my bag. They dragged me out of the forest and back to base.

The feeling of being watched was still there but it slowly disappeared. Was it only Tubbo and Tommy? I was brought back to everyone and stood on Wilbur's left while Tommy stood on Wilbur's right (not sexist shit. Tommy is Wilbur's right hand man remember?). The voices in my head called. They called for someone named Karl? Who was that?

Without anyone noticing, I slipped away and jumped across the L'manburg walls using a jump potion or what ever it's called (they don't know what it's called since they are still kinda new).

Tommy pov:

Everyone was freaking out. They were looking all over the house to find y/n. They went missing a few minutes ago and we can't find them. Who knows what could happen to them. I leave the mess of the house and made my way to the river we would always go to. It made us happy to go there. We could excape all this war shit for a second.

Humming filled my ears. It was a tune that no one could understand but y/n would always sing or hum it. It was peaceful. It was probably a different language. Quackity seemed to understand it the most.

¿Has oído hablar de las noticias?
Las nubes están cayendo del cielo
Y todo lo que es rosa ahora es azul
¿Has oído de mi mente?
Tenemos que encontrar una manera de hacer frente
O de lo contrario las cosas podrían no salir tan bien

Y empiezo a ceder
Al pecado, al pecado
Y empiezo a darme cuenta
Canciones de cuna, nana...

piruletas y cigarrillos
Chicle y medias de red
Heroína y portazos
Medicina todo en el piso
Perder la inocencia es fácil
Pero crecer es difícil de enfrentar
Dame algo a lo que aferrarme
O me deslizaré justo en un pequeño espacio

Recuerda todas las rondas
Cuando nos colamos solo para darnos un beso
Pero ahora tenemos que mantener el ruido bajo
Recuerda, ojos somnolientos
Cuando nos vemos todos los días
Pero ahora este es el último adiós

Y empiezo a ceder
Al pecado, al pecado
Y empiezo a darme cuenta
Canciones de cuna, nana...

piruletas y cigarrillos
Chicle y medias de red
Heroína y portazos
Medicina todo en el piso
Perder la inocencia es fácil
Pero crecer es difícil de enfrentar
Dame algo a lo que aferrarme
O me deslizaré justo en un pequeño espacio

Alfabetos y juegos de números.
Pixy stix y cocaína crack
Programas de televisión y autos pequeños
Curitas y demasiadas cicatrices
Halloween y vasos para sorber
Beber jugo y vomitar
Brillo en toda tu cara
Gracias a dios por mi pequeño espacio

Sometimes they would even sing it to me when I can't sleep. I see them start to sing and swing their legs over the water while writing in a purple book that was decorated with gold around the edge and a blocky turquoise spiral in the middle.

And there was someone watching them?


Yasss, we did it! Love you all so much! I need to thank you guys for like 126 viewers. I know I keep saying thank you but still. I didn't expect people to read this! byeeeee!

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