chapter 47

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the door opened to reveal a tired lucky. her hair was a mess and she was about to fall over.

"Jesus lucky, what did you do?"
"you'll see tomorrow. I'm guessing you have your plan? just leave your ideas on my desk. we can do it after tomorrow. I'm going to sleep. you should as well."

my smile faltered for the second time today. she must be really tired. I just want to talk to her for once without her trying to distance herself from me.

after she shut her door, I went to grab my boots and went outside. glatt should be out. maybe he is able to help me with lucky. and he might know where ghostbur is.


my eyes scanned around the trees. there was a cold touch on my shoulder while I was looked around. I spun around to see glatt again. a huge smile was on his face.

"I thought you wouldn't come. now let's go. I have some beer for us!"
we both walked to the flower field. the dark blue sky was scattered with white stars. it was quite and peaceful. just the few chirps from the awake birds and the 'hoo' from the owls that peered out of the trees.

"you seem pretty distressed. what's wrong?"
"it's just lucky. she's been distant lately. and I'm trying to get Tommy out of exile. there is just so much I need to do and I can't even open up to anyone."
I brought my legs up to my chest and rested my head on them as I started to cry.

even if I showed weakness, at least I was showing it to glatt. it seems like no one really knows where he is or even knew he existed.
"you can open up to me."
the ghost muttered. he didn't want to raise his voice at this time. it would make it worse. we both knew well that he want good at comfort but this was good enough.

my hands trailed to my mask. it slowly untied the cloth and fell on my knees, that was still pushed up to my chest. I turned my head back to him. he looked taken aback about my eyes. he's never seen them.
they started to water up again. he just nodded.


it was the first time I opened up to someone. someone who isn't lucky at least. he was starting to fade as the sun came up. we agreed to meet up again.

once I opened the door to my home, lucky stood there. she looked pissed while she was tapping her foot.
"where have you been?!"
she yelled like she was a mother.
"I went on a walk after I woke up. I wasn't tired."
she sighed.

"just tell me next time. you made me worried sick. now eat some breakfast. I need to go to work early. I'll come back in half an hour. I'm going to take somewhere. make sure you wear something fancy."
I nodded. why did she need to start work so early? and end it so early? why did I need to wear something fancy?

while I was in my trance of thoughts, she left. the food on the counter was a decent French breakfast.


after eating, I went to my room. I haven't cleaned it in a while now. dirty clothes were piled up in the corner of my room while random items littered the ground. many bottles and cans where also on the ground. this was going to take a while.


surprisingly, it only took around twenty minutes. this gave me time to get out something. while scanning through my wardrobe, I found my dress from the ball before the election. more tears dripped from my eyes. it was beautiful all ripped up. it even better then it did when it was a long dress. but I only cried because of the memories that it brung back.

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