chapter 49

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"quick Tommy, get inside and drink this!"
lucky ushered the boy as the knocks on the door got louder.

I open the door once lucky sits on the couch.
"hello, dream. what brings you here."
"Tommy has recently went missing. I'm checking everyone's places to see if they are hiding him. would you mind if I came in?"
"of course not. please, come in. I'll be on the couch with lucky if you need anything."

I moved out of the way for the masked man to enter my abode. like I said, I sat next to lucky. how did we get into this mess? Well, I was getting Tommy away from exile as lucky distracted Dream. the green man went to many other houses he came to ours. so that gave us time to talk to Tommy before he would come.


Dream was looking for about an hour now. he seemed to be pissed when he got into the main room, where me and lucky sat.
"what's wrong, piss baby?"
"can you just shut the FUCK up for once?!"

his sudden outburst scared both me and lucky. I coughed back all my tears and replaced them with laughter. he quickly stormed out of the house.

lucky looked at my face, concerned.
"are you okay? dreams outburst was pretty scary."
"yeah, I'm fine. I'll get Tommy out now."


we all started to have a peaceful conversation until Tommy started to say something about seeing L'manburg again.
"Tommy why can't you understand that you can't! Dream would come over and exile you AGAIN!"
"so what!? I want to see my best friend!"

"he's not your fucking best friend anymore!"
"how do you know that!?"
"do best friends exile each other and not come to their parties!? do they make each other suffer?!"
"how would you know?! you never had a proper and stable friendship!"
he quickly covered his mouth after saying that.

that was the last fucking straw. the bottle that I was gradually collecting with tears finally spills. lucky just looked shocked at Tommy's comment.
" Y-Y/N, I didn't mean to say that. I'm sorr-"
he tried to pat me on my shoulder.
"don't fucking touch me! no matter how many apologies you say, it won't fix this. at the end you turn out what you didn't want to be."

I walked over to the door and left. I didn't know where I was going. I just wanted to go somewhere to excape.


my hand knocked on a wooden door.
"Y/N, what are you doing here? what's wrong? come inside. we can talk in here."
the familiar brunette said. he let me into his little mushroom house.

after he calmed me down with his tea and comfort, I was able to vaguely explain what happened. if I mentioned Tommy, he would've probably told Dream.

a knock appeared on the door after I was finished explaining and having me melt down. before George was even able to get up and get the door, it opened to reveal the masked man, stretching.

"hey George. wait, what are you doing here, Y/N?"
"they were just crying a little bit. they needed some comfort, that's all,"
before I was able to ask why he was here, George answered it like he was reading my mind.
"oh yeah, dream's going to be crashing here for a little bit."

I just nodded and got up to leave. dream probably has some questions for George.
"where are you going?"
Dream asked.
"well knowing you, you probably want to do something random or ask George some questions. I don't want to be a burden on your bromance."
(lol. I still love dnf tho.)

turning behind me, I saw George's face heat up. then I just left for the two to have a conversation. before I was able to leave the fenced area, Dream grabbed my wrist.

"hey Y/N? do you hate L'manburg?"
"weird question but hell yeah!"
"bring some soul sand and some wither skeleton heads. we'll meet at the community house tomorrow."
he winked at me after he finished.

I rolled my eyes at his pethetic excuse for flirting. wait, how long have I been staying at George's house? it was already night. and I need to see glatt.


"so, did you get caught for trying to unban Tommy?"
"surprisingly not. but after Dream searched my house, he said that he wanted to go to L'manburg. I told him that it wasn't possible. but he kept arguing."
"still stubborn as always, I see."

we just continued to talk like anyother night. but there was a weird itch on my skin. I felt like someone was watching.

"glatt, do you have a feeling that someone is watching us?"
"no, why do you ask?"
"Well I feel like someone has been watching me from when I was in the original L'manburg. like later on in my forced recute. it stopped for a long time but then it just starts to flicker."

"maybe you should ask lucky. she does know a lot from what you told me."
the pleasant conversation came to an end like any other. the sun was rising and I was alone once again. I should go back to Technoblade's house. he should still have some wither things that I could use.


I was greeted by a ghost living in the old hut in the snow. it was ghostbur. he helped me find the wither items and just random potions that could help me. he was also just great company.

"ghostbur, what do you think I should do? I don't want to ruin my relationship with Tommy more then it already is."
"it's up to you. if L'manburg is causing all the pain and causing you pain, then it's probably best to blow it up."
"but it would make other people sad."
"well of its causing every other problem, what do you think is better? keeping a few people happy and get the whole SMP to be in a worse state or fix everything with the cost of those people's sadness."

"I guess.."

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