chapter 63

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a long sigh excaped my mouth. my arms were resting on quackity's shoulders and my head was on his. he was siting on his chair, doing paper work.
"what's wrong?"
he asked as he patted one of my hands.

"I'm just kinda bored. I've done everything for today."
the door was abruptly opened to show, no one else but, wilbur himself.
of course. who else would it be?

a smile was spread across his face but dropped once he saw the position we were in.
"Y/N, darling, what are you doing?"
"I'm just tired, calm down."
I dragged myself to a corner and blanked out while the two argued. this was really normal for me. they act like an old couple.

"well maybe you shouldn't be talking to my partner!"
the brunette yelled.
"since when were they yours!? you two aren't dating, right?"
they both stopped arguing and looked at me.
"right, Y/N."
quackity repeated after I didn't answer. he sounded more scared.

"what? sorry I don't listen to two idiots fighting constantly. I'd rather save my eardrums on Tommy screaming instead. speaking of Tommy, I'll get going."
i walked towards the door. I could feel their eyes fixated on me. once I exited the door, I slammed it shut.
I whisper to myself.


while running around Las necadas to find literally anyone I know, I find a very specific person. he was admiring every detail of this place.
"raccoon boy!"
Tommy spun around to look at me.
"stop calling me that.."
I ignored him

"what's wrong bud? you sound upset."
"y'know how wilbur is my brother figure and shit? he wants me to stay by his side again. he keeps promising that he changed and would never leave me again. but he tried to make another L'manburg!"
"what do you want to do then?"

"I want to stay by his side because he's my brother an all, but he's abusive! wil keeps drinking and smoking. but I also want to stay in Las nevadas. it looks so fun here! plus, I'll see tubbo! then again, quackity also drinks and he's also trying to be my brother figure. I just don't know what to do!"

"how about you just stay in both places. for half a week, you'll stay with wilbur. the other half you'll stay with quackity! and since there is seven days, you can stay with Phil for a day. I'm planning to move out of here anyways. it's just been arguing."

he nodded and I left him to think about my suggestion. I would say it's pretty good. he'll be able to stay with his brother for three days, stay in a fun place for three days and also go back to his father for a day per week.


as I was packing my things, I stumbled across a necklace ghostbur gave me. it was a cross and some of his blue still stained the middle. I wonder how he's doing..

when I got everything packed up, the elevator indicated someone arrived. Charlie also walked in my room.
"Y/N from L'manburg, what are you doing?"
quackity soon stood at my door after Charlie.

"why are you packing up?"
big Q asked.
"because I can't deal with your bullshit arguments with wilbur. you both act like a high school couple."
I got up and headed for the elevator.
"wait! where will you be staying? so I can visit."
"at philza's place. I'll probably make a hut next to his house."

quackity let me go pretty easily for some reason. it's probably because he knew where I was going to stay and wilbur didn't.


when I got back home, lucky and Phil was so happy to finally see me again.
"why did you leave Las nevadas?"
lucky asked.
"quackity and wilbur keep arguing."
lucky quickly understood what I meant.

since I haven't been here for so long, I wanted to do most of the things to contribute what I didn't get to. and also a thanks for letting me live here. it just consisted of me foraging, hunting, cooking and farming. in my free time, I would make my hut.

on some days quackity would also visit. he would tell me about tommy and random funny stories like we used to do.

apparently Tommy also took my advice. once a week he would come over and stay for the night. everything was great. but all things have to come to an end. expecially good things.


'today I dicided to visit dream. I haven't seen him. when I entered the prison, there was no Sam to greet me. no one was there. I invited myself in, trying to also search for Sam. when I got past the security tests, I look over to see the lava is already gone. quackity held an axe with blood dripping from it. Sam placed a hand on his shoulder, both looking down at dream.

"quackity. I told you to not be so harsh. look at what you did now."
sam said. he sounded disappointed in the other male while quackity smiled.

blood was splattered across the walls. dream was laying on the ground, barely grasping onto life. and I stood, watching. fear filled my eyes. my friend. what happened to him? what made him so brutal? this wasn't the quackity I used to know. but what happened to everyone? why did they change and I didn't? why am I being left behind..?'

me, lucky, and Tommy were talking about anything that we could. even some touchy subjects like when Tommy got killed and revived. that was until we got a random alert. it was from Sam. dream excaped the prison.

my heart was racing once I saw the notification. I kept re-reading it.
"Y/N! snap out of it. its going to be alright. you have us."
i look at lucky, fear in my eyes. After I calmed down, I finally spoke.
"call me crazy but I'm leaving. again. I don't want to put you guys into any danger."

"how would you put us into danger?!"
Tommy screached.
"no. their correct. ever since they were found, many bad things have been happening to them. dream has always had an attachment to them as well. Y/N. do you remember when you were cleaning under the prison? remember how dream had that 'special' room for you?"

"yeah. I think there was drawing on the walls. but the room looked as if it was trying to initiate the outside world. it was the only room with a good amount of light and hidden away. when I switched the lights off, the walls changed into a cozy home with a fire and a moon outside a window."

tommy stayed silent. he didn't want to believe it. but it all links up. he just doesn't want me to leave again.

once again, I packed my things and went to the forest, away from anyone else and made a hut. it reminded me of my old one. I made sure to give them a compass that showed where I was.


I feel like this chapter was pretty bad but I also want to get to edit all of the others since I have many to do.

<3byeee! have an awesome rest of your day!<3

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