chapter 51

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Once again, I stood in the shadows of L'manburg. there was a huge obsidian dome over the whole country. dream was practically feeding off of the fear that radiated off of the people that lived in L'manburg.

while dream was doing his big and crazy speech, my eyes met with tubbo and Tommy. tubbo had a mixture of sadness and fear while Tommy had. only hatred one he looked at me. my head hung low once I looked away.

after dream's speech, he swung his arm over my shoulder. I flinched at the sudden touch. he looked at my face, a crazed look on his. what happened to him?

dream then started to maniacally laugh. I just force a small laugh while he was being insane. the dispensers in the roof of the obsidian was filled with TNT that would make this place be demolished.

"if you Will Y/N. do the honors and let the TNT fall on this discussing place."
I just froze in place. I slowly looked back up to him. it was obvious he had a pretty disappointed look on his face.
"well you are the one who planned this all and make this all. so why don't you have the honours!"

he chuckled at my stupid excuse but gladly took it. before anyone knew it, TNT was dropping around everyone and everywhere. he tried to quickly flee, bringing me with him, but quickly jurked my wrist away from his grasp. dream's eyes rolled under his mask as he ran away.

the whole place was engulfed with blood-curdling screams and deafening explosings. looking at my surroundings, there was a small pool of water that tubbo was trying to get everyone in. without thinking, I quickly go and help him.

"get into the water, tubbo! I'll deal with everyone! you need to get to seftey."
I screamed over the loud noises and dragged tubbo into the water.
"what?! no! I need to help everyone! plus, you'll get hurt!"
"I'm not having this stupid fucking argument tubbo! we can have this after, if you fucking survive. so get into the water you idiot!"

I didn't want any of this fucking bullshit that tubbo had now. I finally realised my mistake at the last second.


my eyes scouted the people in the water. it was the whole L'manburg. but someone was missing.


tubbo was quick to point to a little structure that was about to collapse.

author pov:

Y/N was quick to slide over to the blonde boy. he was hiding under the structure for protection from the sea of explosives. they quickly grabbed Tommy's wrist to drag him towards the water. he was also quick to take his hand away.

"dont fucking touch me!"
the boy screeched.
"im trying to fucking help you! you're not going to be crushed under my watch!"
"I don't want help from a fucking traitor!"
"do you think I give a shit? look, I'm sorry. I know that won't do shit. I'll make it up to you after this. at least just let me fucking help you before I fucking fail everyone!"

Tommy was about to speak again but was instantly stopped once they dragged him from the burning construction. like on cue, it fell in on itself once Y/N got the boy out.

Y/N pov:

I quickly get Tommy in the water. before I was about to get in, I was surrounded by an overwhelming amount of fire. there was small screams of my name but they were all drowned out by my violent coughs.

things started to get blurry. to my surprise, there was a small gap that I could slip through. I rushed over to it but was burned by the fire. small burns and blisters cover my body. my mask was almost burned off as well.

I was able to slip away from the circle of fire before the final TNT dropped. more screams and cries were heard once it dropped.

there was a little space that I was able to go to for safety. this would be good if I passed out.

author pov (get used to it bitch):

The h/c haired person was soon to faint after they found the little place. it took hours for all the fire to die down. but when it did, people where still in tears. their savour was now 'dead'.

after all of them scouring for any evidence for your existence, niki was able to find you passed out on the floor. she quickly picked you up and brought you back to the group. all of their hope was back.

the hope was quickly taken away once they saw the burns and blisters that covered you.


they were able to get you out and luckily, philza found you. like any good dad, he brought you back to his humble home and healed you there. and for L'manburg? they were worried over you.

as for dadza? he was also worried sick over you. he visited your room everyday and made you drink health potions while you were still unconscious.

Tommy was able to forgive you and lucky would visit. she even abandoned the small hut you both had to live with Phil after he offered the opportunity.

fundy was still trying to live his best life with eret and quackity after they adopted him since Wilbur died. glatt was also pretty upset that he wasn't able to see you and didn't know what happened. ghostbur was told about what happened by lucky.

of course ghostbur was shattered once he heard that. but he was never able to visit. it was only lucky and phill that was able to visit. no matter how much people begged.

dream also felt bad but pushed it down. but George wasn't going through it well. he was practically stuck in his house and was comforted by dream. sapnap also wasn't doing well. but her tried to distract himself with fighting.

badboyhalo showed Sam and dream a crimson red egg that he worshiped and tried to recruit other people. even his attire changed. instead of the red and black, the red was replaced with white.

niki continued her bakery. everyone enjoyed her delicious pastries and things that she made and/or baked.

everyone tried to push your 'death' aside. they made a little grave for your contribution of growing L'manburg from the start, to helping pogtopia, to help ending it but was redeemed by helping to save the people inside before yourself. you were considered as a real family and a hero to many.

yes, you were manipulated by dream, but at least you made it up to them.

things were perfect to everyone else. but that makes even me think.

were you the problem all along?


uhh..what just happened? all I remember was just me writing and then my brain blanked. now I'm here, writing the ending note of this chapter. this is umm. imagine if I just end this book here. lol. that would be mean. don't worry, I'm not.

I wrote the ending to this book so fucking long ago. and I plan to improve the ending so it doesn't seem like shit because I wrote it so long ago. if you go read the first few chapters to now then you can probably see how my speech has changed. like in not going really ducking extra and trying so hard for it to be remotely 'good'.

we be saying ducking now.

byeeeee! love you all and have a good rest of your day! ducking hell, I keep using the same god damn words!

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