chapter 52

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watch me bust out the big words rn. you'll see what I mean.

when I woke up I find myself in an unidentified place. a mist consumed all of my surroundings. what used to be the blue sky was now a mute grey colour that lacked any joy.

to get a better view, I slowly raised my body by putting one hand on the surface that I lied in, and pushed myself up. a huge crator was was the only thing that sat in front of me. it was the reminisce of L'manburg.

I slowly bring myself back to my feet. the soft grass was slowly swaying in the breeze that went by. there was only one question that went through my mind.

where was everyone?

before I was able to spin around and try to look for any sight of humanity, there was a soft melody. a song was playing inside the forest. at first, I deicide to ignore it and look around.

I found myself at places I didn't even know existed. I got a detailed look of how the prison was made and got to see little buildings scattered across this SMP. but the strange thing was, everything was deserted. no one was here but me. and I kept feeling eyes on me.


I came to a stop once I was back to what used to be L'manburg. the melody was still playing, but slightly louder. it was like it was begging me to follow the noises it made. Well, it was the only place that I haven't seen yet and maybe a sign of civilization.

as I walked closer, the forest got darker and it got somewhat louder. once and a while I would hear a twig break behind me. but when I turn around, nothing is there. not even a single trace of a person remained.

the voices in my head were faint but also sounded unsettled by the sensory I was given. chills went down my spine when I felt eyes on my. those pair of eyes kept duping into more. everything kept getting louder until it just stopped. it just all shattered.

not even a single word spoke. not even one eye dared to look. even the mist disappeared to reveal what was playing the lullaby. it was a small jukebox with six items on it.

I walked over to the jukebox to get a better view of what was on top if it.

the first item was Tommy's beloved discs. I think he said something about Wilbur giving it to him from the very start of this SMP. before L'manburg even existed!

the next was two plushies. they were both torn up and basically demolished. burn marks covered them both and unfixable patches were visible. the two plushies consisted of the wolf that I gave him and Henry. my plush that Tommy gave me.

and finally, there were two little notes. the first one had a little one in it and the other had a two. I followed the order and read the one that had the number one first.

it just contained a whole bunch of numbers.

16, 17, 19, 27, 28, 29, 35, 36, 46, 52, 54, 82, 83, 86, 91, 97

(do I smell..smell some LORE?)

before I was able to look at the other note, something cought my attention. it was a little pile of items on the grass like it was pushed off. I kept the note in my hand and looked at the items.

there was some TNT and a little ring. it looked exactly the same as the one ghostbur gave me. on the pile had a little scarf that Wilbur would always wear and his red beanie.

under it all was a little handmade L'manburg flag. and some drugs..

I finally open the last note. it was in English and not fucking numbers.

'dear beloved,

when I first saw you, I was terrified. the amount of blood you lost scared me. but as you grew apparent of L' manburg, I slowly fell in love with you. it was fun to watch all of your anger between dream. you acted like Tommy but was also more civil then him.

your smile would always cheer me up. and maybe everyone in the room. but I can't blame them, it was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.

oh how much I love you. I even made a song about you. I was too scared to sing it to you but maybe I'll be able to give this note and I can play the song with you beside me.

I was scared to bring you into battle. I didn't want you to get hurt. you're the most important thing in L'manburg and probably the only thing keeping me stable. I wish to even propose to you with this ring. my mother gave it to me when I was young. it would provide protection to the one I love.

even if you don't accept the marriage proprosal, I'll just say it was a joke and the ring is a promise ring. it would work out perfectly. then I'll try and find a way for you to love me. not in an obsessive way! but in a healthy relationship way.

when I saw you kiss eret, that made my blood boil. you were only meant for me. how could you, the most beautiful person I've ever seen, fall for them? they literally betrayed us! I was about to snap until I saw the faces of the dream team. they seemed pissed as well. I could use you as a weapon..but I would never! that would put you into danger and you would hate me!

once I saw you walk back to us and eret groaning in pain, my eyes lit up. then you joked about kissing him. that you hated the kiss. maybe you did. your expression was unreadable.

but we made it so far. now I'm in pogtopia. but blowing up. Manburg is the best option, even if you deny it. I know it is. then everyone is out of our way and we can finally run away together!

I've seen you around technoblade. I don't like how the both of you laugh and joke around each other. I'm supposed to be there, making you laugh. making you slowly fall in love with me without realising it. then, when I get away from you, you'll come running back in a matter of days for my attention. you'll see how much you need me. and you'll be my little toy..

you'll love me soon, Y/N

-your only love,
Wilbur soot'


so basically the last bit of the note was in italic because he would write that in cursive. the rest of the note is in his original handwriting though. but that just shows like when he kinda gets obsessed. oh shit. he got obsessed when you joined L'manburg and it peeked when he was in pogtopia. Well this is great. you'll see why I added this chapter and why they're not in bed soon. hopefully in the next chapter!

byeeee! see you in the next chapter and have an excellent rest of your day!

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