chapter 54

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it was the first time of me seeing this man. yet he seemed so familiar. we were deep in conversation and he would usually touch or fix his goggles that sat on his head. since we were deep in conversation, we didn't even notice the other figure that stood beside lucky.

once I heard another voice, I looked over to where it came from. there stood a boy, the same hight as lucky. he looked like he was also a shadow.

"Jesus! you scared me, felix! wait, how long has it been?"
lucky asked the mysterious person called felix.
"way to long to count, that's for sure."
he joked back. I cleared my throat to get their attention.

"oh! Y/N, this is my brother, felix."
"heya! Nice to meet you!"
he stuck out his hand for me to shake. I hesitantly take it.
"you take his hand but not mine?!"
Karl joked in the background. we all laughed a little and got back to our conversations. but for some reason, my eyes kept trailing back to the two.


it seemed like me and Karl got lost in our conversation again because when I looked back at the duo, they were completely different. they weren't human looking shadows. they actually had colour. I do remember lucky sometimes having a small patch of brown in her hair but that's all. not her being a full human!

"holy shit! what the fuck happened to the both of you!"
I screamed out without thought. they both looked at me, then each other.
"have you not told them yet?"
felix asked the girl. she shook her head as a response of no.

"so basically, we're not really shadows. nor are we humans. it's hard to explain but we usually take the form as shadows to 'protect' you. when we feel an overabundance of joy, our colours come back for God knows why. once we get all of our colour back, it's difficult to turn back into a shadow like creature so we just keep the form of a human."

a confused look plastered on both me and Karl's faces.
"let me explain it and not this idiot. so what happens is that we are protectors of you. People get randomly selected and so do we. when we get sent to protect you guys, we are forced to stay as a form of a shadow. no one knows why. it's just a rule. but when we feel a lot of joy, our shadow form slowly starts to fade, thus showing our colours. and like felix said, it is pretty difficult to turn back into a shadow so when you have your colours, you just keep them."

both me and Karl were still a bit confused but understood it more.
"then why do you look like me?"
I blurted out.
"well we need to take a form since we are just a vessel. the creatures like us take a similar form to the person they need to provide protection to. but if they already have a form somehow, like felix, they take said form and just takes the colours of their human."

now that made more sense. it was already turned dark by the end of the exploration.
"we should get going then. the mobs are going to appear soon enough."
"agreed. meet here tomorrow? maybe in the afternoon?"
Karl aksed. I nodded in response.


me and lucky both made it home safe and sound. on the way back, I just asked a few questions about all of this. she also told me what else was happening on the SMP while I was out of consciousness.

when we entered the house, she went straight to bed (this is why you're my oc, lucky). I also mirrored what she did and entered my room to try and fall asleep. in reality, I just laid on my bed, thinking. what else can I know about what lucky is? she and felix did seem to be hiding something while talking.


a few hours passed and my head finally wrapped around what they looked like. felix had red hair and a strip of maroon hair also within the already red hair (so basically revivebur's white hair but just make it maroon).

he also wore a grey beanie that was barely staying on his head (like those hats that you're supposed to wear on the back of your head). a pair of sunglasses shielded his eyes. the lenses were a light purple and the frame was also a light green. a purple heart earing hung from his ear and he had a hoodie with two different colours. one of them was a really dark blue while the other was a few shades lighter.

he wore two little pouches that was coloured a tan colour and a light blue. finally, he had long, dark shorts on and had converses that were the same colour as his sunglasses. Karl also wore the same shoes.

lucky had a mixture of natural colour hair. her roots were a black then it turned into a dark brown, light brown, dirty blonde, strawberry blonde then to funny blonde. all in that order (that is a fact btw. I do have that hair). she also had a flower crown that sat on her head. a small mask was sticking out of her bag.

her hair was at least up to her shoulders and she had freckles (I have long hair. I want my hair to be shorter but I'm scared to cut it. and I also do have natural freckles). instead of a white eye cover like me, she had a black one and there was heavy bags under her eyes. finally, she wore long fishnet gloves, a skirt and a hoodie that covered the upper bit of the skirt.

all of the thinking made me tired. did lucky really look like me though? felix made sence with Karl since he has all of his colours but lucky? I kinda doubt it. is she the protector of me or someone else?


so yeah. felix isn't my brother's name nor is it my real brother. my brother still hates dsmp and he would be suspicious if I asked if he wanted to be in my book. plus he would probably say no or say something stupid like 'make me as shrek and let me kill everyone by touching them' or something like that.

byeeeee! I haven't posted in a few days so I wanted to do it now. it's pretty late rn and I'm tired. have an amazing rest of your days and I love you all!

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