chapter 2 of stupid shit

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I was just blasting my music in my headphones while streaming. Let's give some context. I live with Dream, George and Sapnap. I'm dating Quackity. I have basically no friends and I'm going to go to Quackity. Let's say that Quackity is with Wilbur, Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo.

Today was my last stream.

I left the hell hole of the house and made my way to the airport. I texted Quackity the whole time. He didn't text me back so I was a bit suspicious. I look at everyone. What? That's strange. They all look like the Dream Blob. What kind of cult is this. It took a few hours to meet Quackity.

We hug each other and he dragged me to his car. He drugged me and I passed out. I woke up on a red table in a dark room. People surrounded me. They were holding candles and wearing black clothes. Quackity turned on the badly made light and finished the circle. They sang some kind of cursed Blob Dream shit.

I died of cringe

bed ending!

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