Chapter Fourty-Five

Start from the beginning

- I agree with Bella, leaving you alone is dangerous, Edward said, but if you come with one of us, you'll slow us down.

- Leave me here, said the sheriff. I'm not helpless," he added, brandishing his gun.

As Bella grimaced, Edward gently touched her arm.

- This is the best way, he reassured her.

When she looked up at him, he knew she understood that they had no other alternatives.


Their shoes crunched in the gravel driveway, a sound almost inaudible between the angry horns and police sirens.

- Looks like they brought in the whole cavalry ! Alice exclaimed.

Garrett muttered something indistinct, his eyes fixed on Astrea' back, far ahead of them. They walked along the cars stopped on the newly gravelled road, provoking the anger of the passengers who were certainly tired of waiting in their vehicles. Astrea was going like the wind, and the two vampires had a hard time keeping up with her ; fortunately they knew her final destination. Garrett hadn't taken his eyes off her for a second, hoping to catch up with her before she went into the building inside the park.

Alice too was hoping to catch up with her sister, though the reason was a little different. Unlike Garrett, she would like the police to stay alive, and an Astrea left in the wild looking for her father could do a lot of damage. If the police tried to stop her in her tracks, which Alice greatly feared, they would not have a good time...

- Quickly ! Garrett suddenly urged.

Alice was not told twice : they could now make out the park, and it was obvious that Astrea was going to accelerate the pace again. Drawing on the strength she had regained in the hospital, she increased her pace.

- We'll never catch up with her, she said, disappointed.

Poor policemen... She thought regretfully.


Rosalie glanced at her phone for the umpteenth time. Still nothing. She was beginning to dread what might have happened in their absence. Why wasn't Emmett answering her messages ? Nor was he picking up when she tried to reach him... Had he been taken prisoner ? The young woman looked up. A few steps in front of her, Esme was trying as best she could to convince the policemen to let them pass ; but it was lost in advance, her interlocutors did not want to know anything. She sighed. What could they do ? She was there in her reflections when a noise behind her drew her attention. Rosalie turned around, and was completely flabbergasted to see Astrea come out.

- I can't believe it ! She exclaimed when she saw Garrett and Alice not far behind the little red-eyed vampire.

Her remark attracted attention, and Esme could not hold back a cry of surprise. The panic around the blonde turned to pure terror as Astrea made a gigantic leap, landing on the other side of the banners that forbade access to the building. Garrett followed her without seeing the two vampires, but Esme managed to intercept Alice in time, while the other two entered the building in a hurry.

And to think we'd avoided doing this with Esme to avoid attracting attention... Rosalie remarked regretfully, glancing at the front door.

With concern and frustration, she went to join the two women.

- Carlisle's in trouble, so Astrea went a little crazy, and we followed him, Alice explained as Rosalie approached them.

- What do you mean, trouble ? Esme was alarmed.

Alice shook her head, helpless.

- I don't know, Astrea had some kind of vision, and she knew he was in danger, that's all.

- We have to find them, Rosalie declared. Never mind the police, I'm tired of waiting.

Esme looked at her, hesitating.

- How do you want to do it ? She finally asked.

- Do like Garrett and Astrea ? Alice proposed, making a face.

Esme was about to protest, but Rosalie cut her off.

- Yes, we have no time to lose.

She led Esme and Alice a few steps away from the banners and the crowd, giving them enough momentum to jump. They exchanged glances, and in one leap, they found themselves on the other side amidst the screams and shouts of panic.


A new chapter every two days from ten o'clock (French time)!

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