50| Malfoy the Wise

Start from the beginning

''Yet? At this point, I don't think I'll ever die.'' I laughed, pulling out a book and looking at the cover. 

''Don't be so cocky, anything could happen. And I'd rather you not die on my part.'' He looked at the cover of the book, before taking it from my hands and putting his back onto the shelf. ''How's your shoulder?'' He then asked. 

''Doing better. Barely hurts, unless it gets smashed against the ground again.'' I shrugged, leaving that isle to move to another one. 

''I seen that. Good game, by the way.'' Marcus praised. 

''Is the Marcus Flint, Capitan if the Slytherin Quidditch Team, giving me a compliment?'' I teased, turning on my heel to look at him. He groaned and put two fingers on the bridge of his nose. I smiled and continued looking through the books. 

''Forget I said anything.'' 

''Already did.'' Flipping the book from the back to the cover, I glanced back up at the bookshelf before putting it back. ''Also, I have a question.'' 

''Don't you always?'' He replied smugly. 

''It's a serious question, so don't joke for at least five minutes.'' I sighed, leaning against one of the bookshelves. He seen how serious my face and tone was, nodding his head and awaiting the question. ''And I want an actual answer, not just a skim or for you to avoid the question.'' Pointing an index finger at him, he raised his hands in surrender. 

''Just ask, Muggle.''

''What's going on with your arm?'' I suddenly blurted out, making his once smug and teasing face contort into concern and worry. He dropped his hands to his sides, breathing out a sigh. 

''Why does that have to be the question?'' He replied.

''Don't answer my question with a question. I want a legitimate answer.'' I pushed myself off the bookshelves and crossed my arms as I stood in-front of Marcus. ''It always turns purple, and I want to know why.'' 

''Trust me, Granger. You don't want to know.'' He shook his head with a soft voice. His eyes were closed, as if he was trying to forget something important. 

''Why? It doesn't have anything to do with me.'' I shrugged, his eyes suddenly flying open to look at me. ''Does it?'' I asked, raising my brow at his sudden action.  

''When I say this, I want you to listen to me.'' He started speaking, looking like he was panicking a little. I grew more concerned for him after, his breathing became ragged as he looked at the ground. He hadn't even looked back at me, his head tilted down towards the ground and his hands on his hips. ''The answer will be revealed at the right time.'' 

Uncrossing my arms, I walked up to him. His face was pale, which I couldn't see from a few feet away because of the light. Not just that, but his eyes held concern and reminiscence. His breathing was choppy, as if he was having a silent panic attack. 

''Marcus? Hey, can you hear me?'' I asked. He didn't answer, his mouth was hung open his breathing not getting any better. His eyes now spaced out, not seeing in this current time. Placing my hands on his arms and wrapping his arm around my shoulder, I slowly moved him onto a couch that was off to the side. 

I turned him around and set him down on the right side, his body slumping against the armrest. HIs head was limp, falling off the side of the armrest as it hung down. His head now facing straight ahead, where a huge window - almost the length of the whole wall - was showing the sights outside Hogwarts. Showing for miles. The Forbidden Forest, Black Lake, Hogsmeade Station and more land beyond those.  

Marcus has never acted this way before, not that I know of. He's always so cocky and confident, knowing that he would win a Quidditch game because he had a new trick up his sleeve. Then, he'd loose to Gryffindor because of me, would he get mad? Of course, but he couldn't get mad when it had came to me. 

[✓] 𝘗𝘰𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘣𝘭𝘺 𝘐𝘮𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘣𝘭𝘦 ,𝘋.𝘔𝘹𝘍𝘦𝘮𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳,Where stories live. Discover now