final girl

520 35 2

"Ah, Miss Choi, to what do I owe this pleasure?" Areum grunts as the guards throw her to the ground, only to land at the feet of this so called 'doctor.'

The poisonous sound of the guards' laughter fades as the door slams shut, and Areum's left to pick herself up.

"How about you cut the bullshit doc and tell me what's going on?" Areum smiles sarcastically, head tilted as she continues to brush herself off.

The doctor simply chuckles at Areum's assertiveness, spinning aimlessly on his chair.

"Your little lover boy . . . Jungkook?" Areum's lips purse into a thin line at the very mention of that name, teeth grating against one another as she awaits for the doctor to continue with his belittling speech.

"He's offered me a great deal of money in return for helping you get out of this hell hole. Now, I don't usually take kindly to bribery but when this amount of money's at stake, it's an offer I simply cannot refuse." The doctor grins sadistically while throwing an envelope down onto his desk.

Areum stares bleakly at the number written on the front.

50000000 won

She blinks, and blinks again, just to check she wasn't imagining it.

Areum's lips fall open on their own accord as question after question rushes into her mind, but there was one which stuck out like a sore thumb.

How the fuck did Jungkook get his hands on this much money?

"I suppose that's how much you're worth, Miss Choi. You must be skilled at what you do, no?" A small smile tugs at Areum's lips.

All this time, Jimin had done nothing but drilled abuse into her mind, whether that be how she was supposedly losing her mind or how 'shit' she was at her job, but non of that was true.

This confirms it.

Someone still had faith in her abilities.

Jungkook still had faith in her abilities, and that meant more to Areum than she'd like.

"I suppose I must be." Areum looks up at the doctor before her, confidence picking up in her tone.

The doctor smirks in return, rising from his seat as he walks towards the door.

"Well you'd better follow me then, there's someone who'd like to see you."


"Fuck!" Jimin swipes everything off of his desk, venomous rage filling him from head to toe.

He was finding it hard to breathe with the amount of red he was seeing.

"Jimin, what's wrong baby?" A girl stumbles into his office, a bottle of God-knows-what in one hand and a cigarette in the other.

She was drunk.

Jimin could smell it on her from the second she'd made herself known.

"Fuck off, Vi." Jimin breathes out, eyes narrowing in on the helpless girl before him.

She ignores his words, instead, walking further towards him, barefooted, lipstick smudged and dress practically slipping off her shoulders.

"That's not what you were saying ten minutes ago when you were fucking me senseless!" Violet cries out, arms flying left, right and centre while Jimin glares at her in disgust.

"You still don't get it, do you?" Jimin chuckles, eyes burning holes into Violet's pale cheeks as he walks towards her, towering above her much smaller frame.

"Get what?" Violet gulps, a little more weary of the man before her than a few seconds ago.

"You're not her, and you never will be Violet."

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