fire and reign

776 46 3

Areum's eyes stay glued to a nearby window as she slowly slides her hand down the front of her body in order to retrieve a suitable weapon from her belt.

She hastily grabs her favourite gun while simultaneously spinning around to point it at whoever had just interrupted her flow.

Areum points her weapon of choice at none other than Jeon Jungkook, standing tall in all his delicious glory.

Even in the glooming hours of the night, he looked fucking phenomenal, the male enigma straight out of a dark romance novel.

Above all, he looked pretty damn good considering he'd just thrown his career away for the sake of a few pathetic mistakes.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, Areum. Or should I just call you Yuri?" A smirk spreads across Jungkook's thin lips, flashing his shark-like teeth.

By the looks of it, they could cut pretty damn deep.

The very thought of such a thing did nothing but entice Areum.

"You know my real name, bravo. Would you like a fucking medal?" Despite how appealing Jungkook looked, Areum fights to keep her hardened barriers up, refusing to give in to the forbidden fruit standing pretty before her.

Oh how much she wanted even one taste.

"I don't need jack shit from you." Jungkook spits his words out, ebony eyes closing in on the little brat before him.

"Liar." Areum cocks her gun once more, for extra measure of course.

She was half hoping for a frightened reaction but this is Jeon Jungkook we're talking about.

It was going to take a lot more than a shiny piece of metal to rattle his bones.

"Awh, is the little brat getting defensive?" Jungkook tilts his head to the side in a patronising manner, raven-like hair falling over his perfectly sculptured brows to create a mystic aura.

Although she refused to show it, Areum simply couldn't get enough of him.

"I'll show you fucking defensive." Areum's words are laced with venom as she moves the gun to be positioned below her chin.

She squeezes the menacing weapon in order to release some anger.

Not that it was working.

"No!" A dark chuckle erupts from Areum's throat at Jungkook's reaction.

It was all the validation she fucking needed.

"So you do care about me?" Areum lowers her eyes, lips curling up into a seductive smile as her orbs hold a power that wouldn't look out of place in the underworld.

Jungkook was fucking astonished, if anything.

After all, she was a seductress, a product of her time.

A dying species.

She needed preserving, not killing off.

"You fucking—"

"Take me out, Jungkook."

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