battle royale

873 46 4

"You're not allowed to smoke in here." Jungkook stares blankly at Jimin as he rests the poison between his plump lips, careless.

One of his brows climbs higher than the other at Jungkook's words, as if calling him a mood killer without the words actually leaving his mouth.

Instead of being compliant and placing the cigarette back into the pack it came from, he holds a lighter up and towards the toxicity, practically begging to be set alight.

"Oh?" Once lit, Jimin removes the cigarette from the strawberry pillows enveloping them, a condescending tone to match his smug expression.

He was practically dripping in it.

"Does it personally bother you Mr. Jeon?" The two hot-heads stare each other down in an episode of silent rage and fury.

Jimin slightly tilts his head to the side, taunting Jungkook to say something.

You see, a part of him enjoyed hearing his pathetic voice, it was rather pitiful, amusing, if you will.

In Jimin's eyes, detective Jeon was nothing more than a source of entertainment after the menacing last few days Jimin had endured.

"Cut the crap and start talking Mr. Park, don't waste the time I don't have with your stupid games." Jungkook seethes as he observes Jimin reclining in his seat before tossing his lighter onto the freshly polished, wooden table.

Smoke begins to fill the gap between them; thick, grey fumes caused by the device Jimin had most likely just chipped the table with.

Jungkook's attention flickers from the lighter lying pretty on the table to Jimin's dragon-like eyes, beautifully dangerous in all their menacing glory.

Jungkook begins to feel on edge from the uncomfortable silence encompassing the room and that's when the tension between the two men grows even heavier in the air.

It was practically visible, practically thick enough to be sliced open with a knife.

The only sound to be heard was the tik-toking of the clock above Jungkook's head, irking him further.

Then the storm hits.

Laughter erupts from the poison that is Jimin's mouth, dark and extremely sinister sounding.

It doesn't go so easy on the ear, to say the least.

With a clear, pissed-off expression, Jungkook shoots daggers straight through the honey complexion of Jimin's skin.

He can't help but wonder what there was to be so damn amused by but it was beginning to irritate the fuck out of him.

He was just itching to walk over to Jimin and punch his lights out but knew he had to refrain from doing so.

That could come later.

For now however, questions needed to be answered and he was going to get them, no matter what.

Even if that meant breaking a bone or two, Jungkook couldn't care less.

"Well, you certainly don't seem to mind playing a game or two with our Yuri." Jimin takes yet another shameless drag on the burning nicotine as it races down his throat, only to be casted back out as blue smoke.

A lulling haze hangs amid his aura, creating a mysterious yet eerie feel to his demeanour.

"Isn't that right, Mr. Jeon?" Jimin's tone is patronising, belittling as he speaks to a now, visibly shocked detective.

"Yuri . . ." Jungkook mumbles to no one in particular, but that doesn't stop a sly grin from spreading across Jimin's wetted lips.

"So that's her name." Jungkook places the jagged jigsaw pieces together in his head, like rusting clockwork.

"And it took a stranger to tell you that? Call yourselves the fucking intelligence service." Jimin bears his great whites before running his sharp tongue over each and every one of them, taking his time in doing so.

He releases a loud 'tsk' just as Jungkook parts his dry lips to speak.

"What's your relationship to this so called 'Yuri'? And why should I believe you, of all people?" Jungkook's eyes are fierce, piercing into Jimin's as he practically spits his words out through his teeth.

"I fuck her here and there, play with her pretty head . . ." Jimin's expression remains bored as he glances around the boxy room, hands forming subtle movements with every venomous word presented to Jungkook.

"Nothing out of the ordinary."

"I didn't ask about your fucking sex life, Mr. Park." Jungkook places two tattooed fingers to his forehead, sighing heavily as his voice takes an authoritative tone.

A deep sense of stress plays with the information glued to his mind while he tries his best to stay focussed.

Although, given the professional sociopath sitting opposite to him, that was pretty much impossible.

"In all fairness Mr. Jeon, you did ask what my relation to Yuri is."

"Well, there it is, clear as fucking day." Jimin gestures to nothing in particular before his hands come slamming down onto the table in one, clean movement.

"You're so full of shit." Jungkook's tone is rich with anger as he delves into his pocket, shaking in fury.

His eyes are wide, cheeks flushed as he pulls out a matte-black object.

Without a second thought, he directs it straight at the enigma sitting across from him, unblinking.

"Give me what you came here to provide before you find yourself with a silver beauty pummelling through your fucking skull." A cold sweat rains down Jungkook's face as he struggles to keep the gun in position.

Whether it was a lack of sleep or the way Jimin was gazing at him, he couldn't quite tell, but that didn't forsake the fact that he was slowly loosing his fucking mind.

Meanwhile, Jimin tries his hardest to hide the smirk just begging to spread across his pretty lips.

"Can I at least finish my cigarette first?"

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