room service

492 33 3

"I need to speak to the doctor, I think there's something wrong with me." Areum grips the bars to her cell as she tries her hardest to persuade the prison guards of her supposed illness.

They stare at her in disbelief, belittling her small frame even further with their mocking expressions.

"Yeah?" One of the guards steps forward, eyes growing soft and displaying a tone which even the devil would cast as genuine.

Hope glimmers in Areum's eyes, contrary to the doubt beginning to seep into the back rooms of her mind.

Nothing comes that easily.

Areum knew that oh too well.

"Well that's too fucking bad." The officers chuckle in unison, eyes hardening as they begin to walk away.

"Wait!" Areum pleads, feeling sick to her stomach for having to do so.

However, she knew if she was going to make it out of here alive, she'd have to up her acting game.

"Please . . . it's serious." Areum reveals a gash on her stomach which she'd carefully curated the night before, in line with the instructions Jungkook had given her.

A sigh passes the lips of one of the officers before exchanging the 'I guess we'd better take her to him' look with one other.

"You're nothing but trouble, aren't you?" Areum refrains from smiling at the guard's words.

It was true, not that she minded.

She'd come to terms with the fact that trouble was her second name.

"It's not my fault, it follows me wherever I go." Areum pouts, eyes growing wide, while the officer rattling his keys simply rolls his in return.

"How about you do us all a favour and keep your mouth zipped? You're more bearable that way." With the jangling sound of several keys, the bars to Areum's cell unlocks and she couldn't be happier.

She knew she had to stay humble but it was difficult to contain her excitement after getting through phase one and two so easily.

"Whatever you want, sir." Fire dances in Areum's eyes as she looks up at the man before her, large hands gripping her much smaller arm as he leads her out of the box she'd be confined to.

'You need to create a slash big enough to attract medical attention, but not so big that you lose enough blood to drain yourself clean.'

'After this is complete, you must ask to see the doctor . . .'

Areum looks at the filthy ground below in order to conceal the smile etching at her chapped lips.

She was one step closer to seeing Jungkook.

One step closer to seeing Jimin.

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