she gets revenge

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"Was it her?" Jungkook's stare remains fixated on the front of the church as Namjoon whispers in his ear, cool breath causing a single shiver to run down his spine.

"Who's her?" Namjoon's eyes burn holes into Jungkook's cheek as he stares in disbelief.

"Now's not the time for playing dumb, Jungkook. This is serious." The atmosphere turns frosty with Namjoon's icy words, contrasting with the desert that was Jungkook's mouth.

A hard lump begins to form at the base of his throat, lips parted solemnly as he tries his hardest to concentrate on the words being spoken concerning Aera's death.


Jungkook had gotten used to hearing that word being thrown around like some old toy, and it was beginning to weigh down on him.


Areum sighs as she wipes Aera's blood from her blade, unsatisfied until she sees her own reflection in the silver.

A sudden knock at the door causes her heart to jump and lips to part.

Without another thought, she tucks her pocket knife into her dress before stalking towards the door.

Wrapping a hand around the knob, she gently twists the component to unlock it.


"Are you fucking insane?" Areum's eyes widen when Jimin barges into the room, steam erupting from his nostrils while his lips purse together out of clear frustration.

"You could say that, yes." Areum gazes up at him with mischief swimming amongst her emerald orbs, earning a shove into the nearest wall.

Jimin didn't have time for sarcasm, not now.

"Why the fuck did you kill the real Kang Aera?" A hiss of pain escapes Areum's lips at the increasing pressure Jimin was asserting onto the sensitive skin of her neck, windpipe crushed by his strong hand.

She gasps for air, that with the pounding of her head from the impact of Jimin smacking her into the wall.

"She was annoying me." Despite the pain, Areum remains monotone, knowing it would further frustrate Jimin.

"Why? She fuck Jungkook without your permission or something, hm?" Jimin leans down towards Areum's face, warm breath fanning her burning cheeks.

"Were you jealous? Is that why you killed her, baby?"

"You don't know what you're talking about, Jimin." Feeling her anger overpower her rational thinking, Areum slides a hand up beneath her dress to retrieve the pocket knife, fists balled to create crescent moon shapes along the palms of her hands, a nasty habit she'd picked up from a life filled with crime.

"That doesn't answer my questions, now, does it sweetheart?" Areum glares up at Jimin when he begins to rub circles into the skin of her neck, trying to relieve some of the pain.

Although, there wasn't much point in that now, for by the morning, bruises and scratch marks were bound to make an appearance.

"I don't have to answer to you." Metaphorical splotches of red encase Areum's vision as she clenches her jaw, anger filling her to the brim.

"Well then, I guess you won't mind sitting out on the next job I have lined up for you." A mocking smile graces Jimin's lips as he moves his hand from Areum's neck to tuck a few stray strands of hair behind her ear.

The gesture may have been interpreted as affectionate by some but Areum knew Jimin's intentions.

He was irking her on, seeing just how far he could push her buttons.

Talking about Jungkook the way he did was one thing, but threatening to take away the luxury of getting her hands dirty was a whole other level.

One she wouldn't accept.

Not because she enjoyed getting her hands dirty, but because it helped her to forget, so it doesn't come as a surprise when Areum moves her knife up to the flesh of Jimin's neck, golden and perfect in complexion.

She could appreciate his beauty as well as how much of a bastard he was.

The lines between the two had become blurred over time but that wasn't going to stop Areum from pushing the fresh blade further into his skin.

"You want to play dirty? We can play dirty, Jimin." A sharp hiss of pain slithers passed Jimin's milky teeth and in no time, a garnet substance trickles down his neck, warm and full of life.

"Put the fucking knife down, Areum." Jimin's tone's bored and monotone, the complete opposite to the begs for mercy Areum had become used to hearing.

"Before you do something you regret." Areum scoffs, eyes rolling at the stupidity of his last sentence.

"What? Slitting your throat? I doubt that." A calm sigh passes Jimin's lips when Areum presses her body to his.

She was one cold bitch but the amount of warmth she welcomed into Jimin's life was unprecedented.

She was his remedy but also the poison that managed to slip in with it.

His angel and little devil at the very same time.

"Just give me the fucking postcard and this will all be over with." Jimin watches as Areum's lips graze his cheek, voice soft and angelic despite the nature behind her words.

Jimin had always believed blackmailing to be a cheap shot, something used by those who were desperate and weak at heart.

"Back pocket." Jimin breathes out against Areum's shoulder, defeated.

Meanwhile, a smile etches its way onto the serpentine's lips as she snakes her arm around Jimin's toned body and towards the piece of card, surely enough, sticking out of his back pocket.


"I knew you'd come through eventually." Areum giggles softly as she retrieves the postcard, dropping her dirty pocket knife onto the carpet below.

"Yeah well, I wouldn't want you to miss out on the buckets of fun you're going to have with this one, Ari." A smirk stretches its way onto Jimin's full lips as he awaits Areum's reaction to the name on the postcard.

She had her fun, but now it was time for him to have his.

Areum's stomach churns as her heart drops from her chest into the mess.

A cold sweat breaks out across her features while her blood runs cold, swallowing thickly at the name printed in bold.

Min Yoongi.

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