something's coming

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Hours turn to days and days to weeks but no matter how fast time seemed to be skimming by, Areum felt exactly the same.

Numb, confused, frustrated, alone.

All of which she had zero control over.

A sigh passes her lips as she lies on the settee Jimin had custom made for her, head empty and eyes staring into the future of her own demise.


No matter how many corners she seemed to turn, his face would always be there, smirking and laughing at her failures.

Who would've thought?

The powerful, cold-blooded bitch can't get the scummy MI5 agent out of her head.

How fucking ironic.

She was infatuated with the man who was born to bring her down.

Areum wipes the white snow off the tip of her nose before taking another aimless sip from her champagne, desperate to boot Jungkook's name from the back rooms of her deteriorating mind.

Just as Areum allows herself to sink further into the silky material of her settee, several harsh knocks echo throughout her apartment.

She wants to cry, scream and rip her hair out because as much as she could try and convince herself it was anyone but him on the other side of that door, she'd be taking herself for an utter fool.

Tiptoeing through her apartment, her vision soon blurs as tears begin to fill her eyes.

She just couldn't hold back any longer.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck."

The furniture around her apartment merges together, the darkness only adding to the clouding of her eyesight.

It felt as if time had stopped.

Either that or she was becoming a real life glitch. 

The cold floorboards sink into the pads of her feet, sending goosebumps to prick at her skin.

On approaching the door, Areum lets out a shivering breath.

She allows her eyes to seal shut for a brief moment before unlocking the hatch to swing the door open.

Her eyes land upon not one but two of her worst nightmares.

"Well well well, if it isn't our precious angel." Yoongi's voice slices through the air, cold and unsympathetic.

His eyes hold no emotion while his plush lips simply move for the sake of it.

His hands are placed behind his back, gaze travelling down Areum's frail demeanour with a blank expression plastered to his features.

"Ari?" Areum's focus switches to the other man calling her name.


He takes a few steps forward, causing Areum to take a few steps back.

Memories begin to flood her mind from the last time she saw him and how she'd allowed herself to get wrapped up in his bullshit, or worse still, his arms.

She shakes off the very thought, disgusted with how broken she was.

"What do you want, Jimin?" Areum attempts to swallow the thick lump slowly making its way up her throat, refraining from running into his arms.

She had to channel her rage, no matter how many times Jimin had been the one she could freely let it out on.

"Don't be like that, not after everything I've done for you." Areum's breathing intensifies when Jimin grabs her jaw, pulling her towards his body.

She looks up a him, helpless beneath his authority.

"You've always been an ungrateful little bitch, haven't you? Hell, I put a roof over your head, fed you . . . and you still went and killed my father." Yoongi cuts in, boiling Areum's blood to the maximum as her focus shifts from Jimin to the man behind him.

"Fuck you, Yoongi. Don't act like you didn't want it to happen." An unprecedented amount of anger fills Areum's mind, so much that she's barely able to get her words out, or at least, only able to get out half of what she really wanted to say.

"What? Want my father to be sliced down to nothing but memories? Who the fuck would want that—"

Yoongi's sentence is chopped in half by the slap delivered to his cheek.

He simply chuckles, holding the burning skin with his hand while Jimin pulls Areum back.

She needed to let her pent-up anger out, and what better way to do it than a nice, big slap to Min Yoongi's face?

"Areum, that's enough." Jimin pulls her fidgeting body against his, gripping her arms behind her back to stop her from making anymore spontaneous attacks.

"Why are you doing this, Jimin?" Areum struggles against his strong hold as they enter her apartment, Yoongi following close behind.

"Just get inside will you? We have important business to discuss."

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