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Areum lay, sprawled out across her bed as she allows herself to sink through the silky sheets.

Head empty, she stares up at the ceiling until her eyes sting.

The hopes that Jimin had decided to flee swim around her conscience.

He had no business being here, not when she was this broken.

The last time she felt this exposed and vulnerable was when she was only a little girl, trying to figure out who she really was as well as attempting to make it in the world.

Some would argue she had made it, just in the wrong universe.

The sudden sound of a text notification knocks Areum out of her dark trance, probably for the better.

With furrowed brows and a puzzled expression, she swipes her phone off of her nightstand as the white light floods the room.

When she reads the words portrayed before her, fireworks erupt in her stomach, stabbing at her insides.

(1) New Message

(19:40) Anonymous: Go to the door of your apartment, pick up the envelope and complete the mission as if it's your last.

Areum's heart beats like a drum as she drops her phone onto her sorrow-filled sheets.

After stalling for what seemed like a lifetime and a half, she makes her way through the empty hallways, content to be without the presence of Park Jimin.

He'd disappeared without a trace, just as her heart desired and although she never thought the day would come, she'd grown to despise him over these last few weeks.

The love-struck spell he'd placed on her was finally starting to come undone.

The rose-tinted glasses she'd been wearing had been ripped away from her eyes to be replaced with that ultra-vision shit.

From treating Jimin as if he could do no wrong to only seeing the bad in him, Areum had learnt to be evermore cautious when in his presence.

Areum slowly makes her way past the couch Jimin had seemed to mark as his own before stopping in front of the door to her apartment.

Just as the text had read, a postcard lay at the trunk of the polished wood.

She tilts her head to the side, noticing a picture of a familiar face on the front.



Unwanted nerves encase Areum's stomach like rotten butterflies as she follows the route to the said address.

Jeon Jungkook's home.

At first, she thought she was going fucking insane yet there it was, his full address followed by a set of instructions regarding exactly what to do with his roommate and best friend.

Wrapped up in all-black, Areum stalks the streets of Seoul in search of her destination.

Her attire crushes her muscles from head to toe but she liked that feeling.

The feeling of being suffocated to the point where you're numb from the pain and so learn to be content with it.

It's not long before Areum spots Jungkook's apartment, standing alone on a large slope.

It gives off the impression of prestige and superiority.

In which, the latter described Jungkook to a T; superior.

Areum cocks her gun before placing it in the thick belt secured around her cinched waist, along with all the other weapons she'd found in her draw.

She'd be lying if she said picking out the weapons wasn't the fun part about this job.

It was rather enrthalling, actually.

"Oh Kookie, you fucking god." A taunting smile pulls at Areum's lips, her main weapon of choice being the garnet paint coating them.

Works a treat.

Every fucking time.

Without another thought, Areum makes her way up the drive leading to the best friend's apartment, eyes wondering far and wide to soak in the exterior.

"The intelligence service pays well considering you're not actually intelligent." Areum giggles to herself as she makes her way towards the back of the apartment.

That's until a husky-sounding voice stops her dead in her tracks.

"Don't even fucking think about it."

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