Chapter Thirty Four

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The next morning, I made breakfast for Rose before she woke up. I knew she would sleep a little longer and it was only ten at the morning. I made sure to have her breakfast before she did wake up.

As I cracked the eggs on the stove, I poured them into the pan before adding salt and peper before letting them cook a little. I wanted to make sunny side up cause I knew Rose liked that.

When I went to grab some bread, I heard my phone start ringing from the counter. I looked over at it and saw Adeline calling, which made me smile as I put it on speaker and answered it.

"Good morning." I smiled.

"Buenos dias a ti tambien, mi amor."

That made me smile as I kept cooking before turning my attention towards my phone.

"Que estas haciendo esta manana?" I ask.

"Acabo de terminar de limpiar. Que estas haciendo?"

Smiling, I flipped the egg before checking on the bread in the toaster. "Preparando el desayuno y esperando a que Rose se despierte."

"Oh." I heard her say before she spoke again. "Do you want to come over today?" She asks.

I look over at my phone before smiling. "Sure. What time?"

"Whenever you're free. Call me before you come, ok?"


"Ok." I heard her smile, which made me smile. "I'll text you."

After we hung up, I finished breakfast before making Rose a plate just in time for her to walk in the kitchen. I smiled when I took her image in, noticing she was half asleep and her hair was a mess.

But once she saw the food, she quickly woke up and grabbed a plate I had laying out for her. I watch as she went to the table and sat down before stuffing her face, which made me chuckle.

After we finished breakfast together, I cleaned up as she was getting dressed. She told me she had to leave and go somewhere with her mom, which I didn't mind.

"I'll text you." She smiles before waving at me and walking out the front door.

After she left, I shut the door and locked it before walking to my room and getting ready. I got dressed before spraying myself down with perfume and putting on my favorite bracelet before sliding my shoes on.

When I was ready, I grabbed my phone and keys from the hook before walking out the garage door. I locked the door behind me before opening the garage and getting in my car before starting it.

As I let it warm up, I texted Adeline and told her I was about to leave and heading over there. I backed out of the driveway after a moment before stopping and closing the garage door before leaving.

My thoughts went to Adeline as I was driving and I smiled before shifting in my seat, feeling myself becoming nervous again for some reason.

I've been around her for two months and I'm still feeling nervous.

When I pull up at her house, I shut the car off and sat there for a moment. I got out a few moments later before locking my doors and walking to the front door.

I knocked and waited until I heard movement inside and the door opened a few moments later with Adeline smiling at me.

She allowed me to walk in and I followed her to the kitchen where she was making something. I walked to the stove as she was standing there and I looked down in a pan that had sauce in it.

Looking at it a little more, I noticed that it was some sort of Salsa. I kept looking at it before she offered me a spoonful of it and I took a bite before nodding in approval.

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