Chapter Twenty Eight

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"How are you and your mom?" I ask Paisley one morning when we were heading to school. I was a little late today and thankfully Paisley was outside so I could take her as well.

So we were both running late.

"We're ok. I don't know honestly." I could hear the sadness in her voice and it broke my heart.

I hated the way her relationship was with her mom. I was seeing a push and pull between them, which wasn't healthy at all.

"What's going on? Her boyfriend?"

"No. Just her acting weird as always." She sighs as she leans her head back onto the seat as I was pulling into Starbucks.

As we were in line, I look over at her and didn't like seeing her sad about this. I hated the way Paisley was being put into this situation with her mom and it was frustrating me.

She told me about when she was at her moms that one weekend, she saw a lot of bottles of alcohol in the kitchen. She said she saw them in a cabinet above the fridge and she said it made her mad to where she started yelling at her mom about it.

When I asked her what her mom did, she said it was the guy she's with. I made a face to her, knowing that was the dumbest lie ever and it made me roll my eyes and made me angry at that situation.

"So, she's still drinking?" I asked.

"I guess so." She chuckled. "Nothing has changed."

That made me mad that whole day and Rose definitely saw that. She asked me about it and told her, which made her mad at well.

Throughout that whole day, I was in a bad mood and Miss Dawson definitely saw it. She asked me about it but this time I didn't tell her and kind of made a terrible gesture towards her, which she was taken back by it.

Then we hardly spoke that day and I didn't take her home.

But that was two days ago.

This day, I was in a better mood but Paisley wasn't. I didn't want her mood to affect me but it was hard when I knew Paisley for years and she was like family to me so I felt her pain.

Ever since she told me about her situation when we first met, I related to her more then ever and that's what made us close.

After we got Starbucks, we headed to school and talked about a few thing to get her mind off of her mom. I made sure to make her laugh and have a smile on her face before she was dropped off at the school.

"Have fun. Don't let any boys punch you."

She chuckles before waving at me as she got out and walked towards the building. I left the parking lot afterwards and headed towards the high school as I was dreading today.

When I pull up, I sat in my car for a moment and finished my coffee. I looked down at it before looking up and out the window as more students were pulling up and getting out of their cars.

After I was finished with my coffee, I grabbed my backpack and got out. I locked my doors and walked inside the building as I tossed the empty coffee cup in the trash can.

I walked to my locker and grabbed my first period textbook before turning around and looking around the hall. I look down at my phone to see the time, seeing that Rose was late this morning.

Then I saw a text from her, telling me she was running late and I roll my eyes before smiling.

When the bell rung, I walked to my first period class. I made it through the first three classes pretty easy and Rose was in Physics when I walked in, which made her smile as I sat down.

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