Chapter Forty Two

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When Monday morning came, I had to wake up early enough to take Adeline to the school. I forgot about her not having a car and that situation was going to be a little difficult.

She said her car was in the shop but hasn't had enough money to fix it. When I asked her what was wrong with it, she said she didn't know and the mechanic has been keeping it until she had enough money.

When I asked her how much it'll cost, she never told me cause she said she would figure it out and not let me worry about it.

That didn't stop me from worrying.

I wanted to figure out a way to get her car out of the shop, so she could have a vehicle.

I didn't mind taking her everyday to the school but I could tell she was getting a little worried about bothering me about it all the time.

As for Paisley, I've been taking her to school but she had to get her grandma to come get her in the afternoons cause I had to take Adeline home as well, which my car only had two seats.

But I was in a great mood Monday morning.

Rose definitely saw it when I came inside and she was waiting for me at the lockers. I handed her the coffee I bought her before leaning against the locker, watching her take sips.

"What's got you in a great mood?" She asks. "You fucked again?"

I look around before glaring at her, making her chuckle. I shook my head before crossing my arms and smiling. "I'm just in a great mood. But I do need to tell you something."

Ever since Friday, I haven't told Rose anything about what happened through the weekend. I knew she would freak out in public but it was always funny to me even though people are staring at us.

"What?" She asks.

"I went to the house with Adeline Friday afternoon."

"What house? Her house?"

I shook my head. "Well, it's not hers since Waylen owns it."

"Gotcha." She nods.

"But Waylen came in and started his shit. Then he said things that triggered me and Adeline at the same time, talking about Paisley and how she doesn't hate him. But I punched him."


I nodded before looking around as people were looking at us. "Yes." I look back at her. "Then he kicked Adeline out."

"Oh my gosh." She said dramatically, which I rolled my eyes.

"So, she's staying with me."

"Yes!" She spun around. "I knew it was coming. When's the wedding?"

Shaking my head, I chuckle before looking around. "Paisley also forgave us and she's been staying there."

She made a pout with her lip. "Yes!" She threw her fist in the air. "My Paisley. I knew she would." She smiles. "I'm so happy."

"Me too."

"I can tell." She smiles. "You look happier. I love it."

That made me smile.

I knew I was happier and having them both in my life, made me happier. I could feel it and I knew that I wanted to continue feeling this and having them here in my life.

"Is she going to move in completely?" Rose asks.

"Not sure. I haven't thought about it."

"You need to. You can be a happy family."

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