Chapter Two

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"So I was thinking we could go swimming this weekend. Maybe go to the beach? I'll drive and my mom will give me money for food and things."

Rose was talking my head off about this beach trip she wanted to do this weekend. I was listening to her but I didn't like the beach as much as she did.

We were in Physics right now but the teacher had walked out. I saw Rose turn around in her seat and she started talking about this weekend as soon as the teacher left.

"What do you think?" She asks.

"Maybe. I'll have to see."

"Why? You never want to do anything." She pouts.

I shook my head before sighing. "I just don't like the beach and the drive is so long." I was trying to convince her that the beach wasn't my favorite place.

She was tough to crack though cause I knew she loved the beach.

"Then I will sleep over at your house and watch movies this weekend." She says before turning around in her seat.

The teacher walks back in and we finish the assignment he gave us before the bell rings.

Rose and I went out to the parking lot together as it was lunch time. I saw a few people leaving as we walked to my car but Rose grabs my arm and stops me.

"Let's take mine."

"Why?" I ask before being pulled over to her Nissan.

We went out to grab some pizza. It wasn't that crowded and we talked about what we would do once school was over after we graduated as we sat inside.

"I know you'll be working. You always work."

"Make that money." I smile then wiped my mouth. "You work too."

She sighs. "But do I want to be a barister my whole life?"


"I don't know what else to do. I think I want to go to college."

"That seems fun."

She eyes me. "What about you?"

"Not sure. College isn't anywhere in my future plans but I know I'll be working."

"Of course." She smiles. "You have what? Over a million dollars in your bank now?"

Rolling my eyes, she laughs at me. "Not even close."

"You've been working since when?"

"Since I was sixteen."

"And I've been working since last year. The pay is shit." She sighs. "You get what? A thousand a week?"

"A little more."

She makes a gesture with her hand. "See? That's like.. a lot money in a month."

I chuckled before looking down at the table as I rubbed my hand over the wood that was polished but was still a little dirty.

We talked a little longer before heading back to school. The bell had just rung by the time we walked in, then we went our separate ways as I headed to Spanish class.

I took my seat in the back like yesterday and sat down before waiting for the teacher to walk in as everyone else was talking with their friends.

The teacher walked in a few minutes later as the bell had just rung the second time. She smiles at everyone as she stands in front of her desk and crosses her arms.

"Who here already can speak Spanish?"

I saw a few people raise their hand I did the same thing as her eyes were glancing around.

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