Chapter Nine

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Friday was a fairly easy day and it wasn't terrible.

I did my morning routine and made breakfast. I had a cup of coffee with me this morning so I didn't need to stop at Starbucks.

Paisley wasn't outside this morning as I was leaving. I knew that her mom has been picking her up and taking her to school then bringing her back home.

When I arrived at school, I sat there and sipped my coffee for a little bit. I got a text from Rose saying she was coming in late and probably wouldn't be there until first period started.

That made me relax in my car as I watch everyone else from my window.

We didn't have an assigned parking here but I always like the idea of parking away from everyone else.

It never had anything to do with my car. It was the fact that I didn't like being around anyone and I always parked next to Rose away from everyone else.

Leaning my head back, I shut my eyes for a moment as I heard people outside talking. I was trying not to fall asleep but it was very tempting cause of how tired I was.

I kept sipping my coffee, making sure I was staying awake. I didn't want to fall asleep and miss my classes.

After a few more minutes, I look at the time on my phone before grabbing my backpack and getting out. I locked my door as I started walking towards the building as more people were walking in as well.

I walked to my locker and grabbed my book for first period and glancing at my phone before walking to the classroom as soon as the bell rung.

The first few classes were pretty easy and I didn't fall asleep, even though I wanted to. I managed to keep myself awake and I was surprised.

Rose came late but she was there for our class that we had together.

She was telling me about how she was late when I asked her about it. She said she missed her alarm but wanted to sleep in more so she slept in late on purpose.

That made me laugh as I shook my head, telling her that she needed some type of motivation to get up in the morning.

She was not a morning person.

Physics was ok and after class was over, Rose and I went out to eat before coming back to the school and chilling outside.

We were sitting on the grass, looking around at everyone as they were coming back from lunch or leaving.

It was mostly seniors cause we can leave but only on Friday's the Juniors could leave.

Rose and I talked about how it was when we were just starting out in high school. I remember when we first met and it was a little hard for us cause at first we couldn't really stand each other for some reason.

We still didn't know why til this day but here we are now, best friends and in our senior year.

"There she is." Rose says which makes me look in the direction where she was looking.

I saw Miss Dawson walking up to the school and I couldn't help but stare as she was looking so beautiful.

The way she moves was mesmerizing and I had to look away after staring too long. I look over and saw Rose staring at me with a smirk on her face before she looks back over at her.

After she went inside, I look around the parking lot before looking over at Rose as she was still staring at me. "What?" I furrow my eyebrows as she was smirking at me.

"You're so gay." She laughs.

"You were staring too."

She shrugs. "Caught red handed and I don't give a fuck."

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