Chapter One

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Once my alarm went off, I tossed the covers back and stretched and felt my exposed body react to the chillness in my room before letting out a groan as all my muscles were stretching out.

I look around my room and smiled once I realize this was my last first day of high school.

I didn't waste no time as I quickly got up, made my bed and went to the bathroom to take a blissful shower.

My clothes were already waiting for me once I got out and I quickly got dressed before blow-drying my hair in front of my mirror that was in my room against the the vanity.

The clothes I had picked out weren't anything too special, but I wanted to dress my best for my senior year.

A plain back t-shirt with the sleeves rolled up and demin jeans with Adidas Superstar shoes with the iconic black stripes down the side.

It still hasn't dawned on me that I had less than a year in high school.

I was more than excited.

The news was on the tv overhead from the dresser near my bed and I was watching it as I was finishing my hair. I decided to leave it down and style it some way.

I was intrigued by the news this morning as my eyes were glued to it before looking away and finishing my hair before applying light make up.

When I was done, I turned the tv off and laced up my shoes before heading to the kitchen to make breakfast.

I wasn't sure what I would make this morning but the fridge was packed full of all types of different ingridents, which I couldn't decide what to make as I was skimming through the shelves.

"Eggs? Bacon?" I said to myself before pulling them out and setting up the stove. I made sure I had everything before cooking, then heard my phone ring from the counter.

Looking over at it, I saw a Facetime video from Rose then answered it before propping my phone up again the toaster and smiling at her.

"Good morning, gorgeous." I said as I went back to the stove and whisked the eggs in the pan.

"Gosh, you look cute. Do you naturally wake up looking like a goddess?" She asks.

I roll my eyes before glancing at the phone and smiling. "You don't look too bad yourself, love."

"Not sure if you were implying to my last name or that's a title of endearment." She sighs. "Anywho, you want to get Starbucks before school starts?"

"Maybe." I whisked the eggs around before grabbing the pepper and salt. I look over at her and smiled before turning my attention back to the eggs. "I would love to but they don't open until eight and we have to be there before eight twenty."

"Yeah but it's on the way there. We can meet up or you can buy me one and bring it to school."

That made me chuckle as I shook my head before noticing the eggs were done and now it was time to cook the bacon.

"I'll pick you up some coffee. I'm cooking breakfast now so I should be leaving in about thirty to forty five minutes."

Glancing at the clock on the stove, it was only six and I had plenty of time to eat before leaving the house.

"Alright, Kai. I'll see you at school. I want a Honey Almond Flat White with four pumps of Honey blend and one shot of ristretto, please and thank you."

"Yeah yeah," I smile at her. "I gotcha."

We hung up afterwards and I finished cooking my breakfast before setting up the plate on the table. I made sure everything was cleaned up once I sat down and enjoyed the meal in front of me.

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