Chapter Nineteen

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It's definitely been a whirl wind of emotions the last few days.

Paisley and her mom are good again, which I'm glad but it was giving me whiplash. I didn't say anything to Paisley, besides telling her that I was happy that her mom was doing good again.

Not sure how long it'll last.

I think I'm starting to see a pattern with her mom.

Her mood is all over the place and it affects Paisely also.

But I didn't think much about it cause I still had to deal with Miss Dawson.

The last few days, she kept looking at me in class and I tried not looking back at her but it was hard. She was stealing glances but never once told me to stay in her classroom again.

Not sure if I ever will again from what happened.

We didn't really speak about it anymore and just acted like it never happened, which I was ok with but I still had a thing for her.

And it sucked.

My crush on her wasn't going away and I don't know what else to do.

I haven't told the woman anything about my crush, which is best now since we already established that we made a mistake from kissing.

I wasn't about to add more stress to everyone.

But apart from dealing with her, Paisley seemed to be in a great mood the past week. I was watching her mom come pick her up and drop her off.

I haven't took her to school since that morning but as long as she was happy, I was happy.

But if I didn't feel something bad coming around the corner these last few days.

It was a feeling I had ever since I came home the day when Paisley said her mom was coming to pick her up.

I remember going to work then coming home with so much on my mind that it was hard to shake this unsettling feeling in the pit of my stomach.

It lasted for a few days.

I just couldn't pin point what it was.

But Rose did ask about that day with Miss Dawson, which I told her and she freaked out. I had to tell her that it was a mistake and we both deeply regret every decision we made.

It made her a little upset but I asked her, "What did you expect to happen?"

"For you two to fall in love, have babies and live together."

That made me hit her on top of the head.

All week, that's all I've been hearing from Rose. She kept telling me how I needed to tell Miss Dawson how I felt, make sparks fly then fall in love with each other.

"You need someone in your life."

"And why is that? You know the most happy people are the ones without someone getting in their way, right?"

Rose called bullshit on the whole independent thing and said it was time for me to get over it.

But I couldn't.

"Remember how nobody wanted me."

"That's their problem. They're idiots. This is different."

"How is it different?"

"Cause this is love.. not the family type."

"I don't love her."

"But you could."

That was our conversation throughout the week.

She kept telling me to step up, tell her how I feel and see what happens.

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