Chapter Eighteen

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When Monday morning came around, I woke up and stared at the ceiling for a while. I knew I was going to regret getting out of bed cause of how tired I was.

I fell asleep with Netflix still on and junk food in my bed, where I had to push it off and quickly change sheets cause candy was stuck to the pillow.

After laying in bed for a moment, I decided to get up and take a shower. I walked to my closet afterwards to look for clothes then heard something outside my window, which made me look.

When I looked out, I saw a car next door and Paisley was standing at the driver side. She was screaming and pointing down the road and I knew it was her mom.

It took everything in me not to walk over there.

But I watched for a moment before realizing that I was naked, standing in front of my window.

I quickly got dressed before applying some make up and spraying myself with perfume. I grabbed my favorite bracelet and put it on my wrist before putting a necklace on.

After I was done, I laced up my shoes and walked to the kitchen. I didn't make breakfast, just toast and jelly then poured me a cup of coffee before grabbing my keys and walking out the door.

I locked it then opened the garage door, standing there as I was sipping my coffee. I saw the garage door opening then saw someone standing on the other side before they ducked underneath and I saw Paisley looking at me.

"Can I get a ride to school?"

Nodding, I unlocked my car and we both got in. I look over at her and saw her wipe her eyes as I was backing out of the garage.

I didn't ask any questions as the ride to school was silent.

When I dropped her off, I told her to have a great day. I saw a slight smile on her face before she walks towards the middle school building and I left the parking lot.

I pull up to the high school before parking and shutting the car off, sitting there as I lean my head back and sighed as I rubbed my temples.

Stressed was what I felt.

All over my body.

Between dealing with school and work, then Miss Dawson and Paisley's stupid mom. I was stressed out so bad that I couldn't even focus anymore.

I shouldn't have to deal with this.

But ever since Miss Dawson came into my life, it's been nothing but stress.

Then Paisley's mom comes back in her life after three years and I'm dealing with her also, without even knowing the woman.

It was too much.

After the bell rung, I walked inside the building and grabbed my book from my locker and went to my first class. I was hoping this day would go by fast so I could go home, get ready for work then do it all over again.

Rose asked how I was feeling then asked about Paisley, which I told her and she was in complete shock.

"She's drinking, again?"

We were sitting outside for lunch, enjoying the sun and slight breeze in the air. I wanted to get away from everyone and when we grabbed food from the cafeteria, we walked outside.


"Poor, Paisley. That's messed up."

"Her mom is a bitch. She's a fucking bitch." I sigh as I placed my arm over my face.

Rose was laying next to me on the ground and we were just chilling and talking.

"You shouldn't have to deal with this, Kai. I understand that Paisley is close to you and you care about her but it's stressing you out." Rose said. "Is this why you've been acting weird?"

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