Chapter Eight

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The next few days weren't anything special.

I went to school, went to work then did it all over again the next day.

It was a cycle I've been used to for years, but I just had to get back on my grind since summer messed me up. I didn't have school so my hours and days were a little different.

But I didn't complain.

The days weren't that long and the week went by pretty fast.

Paisley has been picked up by her mom in the mornings and afternoon. I talked to her grandmother about it and she said that her mom was really stepping up and being a mother after so many years.

I was happy for Paisley.

The car I've been seeing over there that's been dropping her off had to be her mom but I never seen her get out of the car and since the windows were tinted, I couldn't see inside the car.

Sometimes it peaks my curiosity on what her mom looks like but I didn't really let it get to me.

As long as she's treating Paisley like a daughter and taking care of her, it doesn't concern me.

Miss Dawson's class wasn't as bad as I thought. I still hated sitting in the front and she was right in front of me.

I eventually settled for the front and Moss Dawsone was happy about that

But with her right in front of me, it was keeping me from focusing cause my eyes were on her legs most of the time.

I had to mentally slap myself.

She was starting to invade my thoughts a little too much for my liking and it was frustrating the hell out of me.

"Si alguien puede entender lo que estoy diciendo, por favor levante la mano."

Miss Dawson was leaning on her desk, looking around at everyone and waiting for someone to answer.

I didn't want to be the first one to raise my hand but nobody else was answering it and the silence was a little too loud.

I heard her sigh before walking around her desk and writing something on the board. I saw the words she were writing, which were in Spanish and it was what she just said to everyone.

She started going over what she said, making sure everyone was listening and understanding.

Nobody was even close to understanding everything she taught us the last week. I could tell they were just as lost as they were the first day when school started.

As I placed my elbow on the table and leaned my head into my hand, I scribbled on the paper that was in front of me. I was listening to Miss Dawson at the same time and she sounded a little frustrated with everyone.


I look up and met her eyes. "Yes?"

"Please tell the class what I just said."

"If anyone can understand what I'm saying, please raise your hand."

She smiles before looking around, letting everyone know that it's going to be a long school year if nobody wants to learn.

"It's not that hard." She said as she stood in front of her desk and leaned on it. "If you all would pay attention and focus, it'll be easy."

The class went on as Miss Dawson was going over a lot of different words and making sure everyone was paying attention.

When the bell rung, everyone was leaving and Miss Dawson made sure that the assignment for this weekend was due on Monday.

"Don't disappoint."

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