Chapter Thirty Eight

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My morning routines usually consist of me being in a great mood, having a great vibe in the morning and not letting anything bring my happiness down.

But today was a lot different.

My whole morning was terrible as I was moping around, taking my time and spilling my coffee everywhere. I had to clean up the mess, which took a while cause the coffee was literally everywhere.

Then I burnt my toast and ruined my eggs cause the salt shaker lid came open and dumped salt all over my eggs.

"What a great day." I sighed.

Once everything was clean, I ate another thing of eggs that I made before making me more coffee and finishing getting ready before heading out the door.

The garage door opened as I locked my doors before getting in my car and starting it. I looked in the rear view, expecting to see Paisley walk up with a smile on her face but that didn't happen.

It probably won't ever happen again.

When I left the driveway, I glanced over at the house next door before closing my garage and leaving. I glanced over at the house once more before passing it.

The ride to school was weird.

I didn't play music and my leg was bouncing. I had my coffee in my lap, sipping it every few seconds before seeing the school building come into view before pulling in and parking.

Rose wasn't standing outside but her car was here. I sent her a quick text, telling her I was here and just pulled up as I got out with my coffee and backpack.

After locking my doors, I walked towards the building as it felt weird being here after so long. I could feel my nerves starting to kick in and I hated the feeling more than anything.

Rose met me at the lockers and pulled me into a hug. I tried not spilling my coffee everywhere as I patted her with one hand before she pulls away.

"How are you?"

"I'm fine." I slung my backpack on the floor before opening my locker and grabbing my first period book.

Rose kept looking at me with worry in her eyes. "Have you talked to either of them since?"

I shook my head. "No. I don't want to. Paisley hates me now and I hate Adeline."


"No." I shook my head as I shut my locker. "I got myself into this mess. I should of just listened to you and put the pieces together. I was blinded and it's all my fault."

"How is it your fault?"

I look at her before shutting my eyes and leaning against the lockers. "Rose.. Adeline never paid any attention to Paisley cause of me. I was taking her attention away from her daughter."

"That's not-"

"That is true.. I didn't tell you but one time when I was at her house, her phone was ringing.. and she declined it." I saw her look at me before shrugging. "It was Paisley.. she declined her own fucking daughter."

Rose sighs, not wanting to believe anything I was saying but it was the truth.

I was the reason, if not all, that Adeline wasn't paying any attention to her daughter. I regret everything and I wish I never got involved with her in the first place.

"You didn't know."

"Right. I didn't know, but I should of cause the clues were there.. right in front of me. I was so blinded by love that I didn't even want to think that it was true."

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