Chapter Twenty Two

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A few days passed and nothing exciting happened.

The weekend was coming up but I had nothing planned, so I was just looking forward to sleeping all day cause this week kicked my ass.

Work was hard cause I had to attend gym for the last few days. I was running so much cause Mr. Greg figured it was a fair punishment for not showing up to gym for so long.

It was a death sentence.

And I was dying.

After school, I was dropping off Miss Dawson before heading home and going to work. I felt like I was killing myself and my body was giving out on me.

It was a nightmare.

I never worked this hard in a long time and it was started to come back on me to where I was on the edge of breaking down.

But I kept pushing cause I didn't know what else to do.

I've been taking Paisley to school and her mom has been picking her up. I could tell she was happy about spending more time with her mom and that made me happy as well.

Everything was going pretty smoothly.

Miss Dawson and I have been stealing glances at each other for the last few days. I wanted to stay after class but couldn't, so I had to deal with Mr. Greg instead.

But at least I got to take her home after school.

She said she wouldn't make a habit out of it cause she was going to get her friend to start taking her since she gets dropped off in the mornings.

I told her it wasn't a big deal cause her house was on the way to my house anyways.

Not as close but it wasn't like I was driving out of my way to take her home.

She did live here in town.

"How are you and Miss Dawson?" Rose asks as we were sitting outside for lunch.

I look over at her as she was pulling grass from the ground and tossing it somewhere. I couldn't help but smile and she surely caught it.

"I guess we're ok. We're not dating."


I roll my eyes before looking away, knowing Rose was staring at me. I couldn't help but smile once my face was turned and it made me roll my eyes at my damn self.

The last few days with Miss Dawson made me happy but I hated the feeling so bad once I was back in my home by myself and realized that solitude was so great and I enjoyed every moment of it.

I was basically back and forth.

"Just ask her out." Rose said as we were walking inside after the bell rings. I couldn't help but roll my eyes as she grabs my arms and pulls me back as I was walking away. "Do it." She smiles. "Please?"

"Why?" I pull my arm away.

"Cause I said so, Miss Duran. Do it or I'm whooping your ass." She smiles. "Love you." I watch as she walks away before waving at me.

I roll my eyes before walking down the hall, around the corner and seeing Miss Dawson standing outside of her classroom.

My nerves were shot and I took a breath, trying to think of what to say. I wanted to ask her out but thought it was weird and too soon, plus what would we even do?

Once I approached, she looks at me and smiles. "Buenas tardes, Kai." She said, which made me smile at her.

"Buenas tardes, senorita Dawson."

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