46| Transformation

Start from the beginning

With a sigh, Lupin turned his back and walked away. I didn't know how far he had got, because a sudden pain in my head came. It felt like someone was trying to drill into my skull, alongside that my ribs started to became a pain. 

Looking up at the sky - hard as it was - I saw the moon, it was full and in the highest spot in the sky. That explained why I was feeling all this pain, I didn't like it. The worst part was that I was going to have to get used to feeling the same pain over and over once a month. 

I fell off the log, my hands clutching into my head as I let out a painful scream. I could feel my legs growing longer, bones breaking and rearranging all throughout my body. Along with some bones that have been added in a couple of spots. My hands grew larger, as the tip of my fingers started to become claws, the same being with the ends of my feet. 

My face growing a snout, jaws filled with razor sharp teeth. Ears growing from my head with fur covering my whole body. My back was hunched forward a little, as I was on my side still, laid against the ground; panting. It took a lot of energy to do this, it made me wonder just how Lupin felt right now. 

I laid for a little while, before attempting to stand. When I had, I yelped from the pain that my left shoulder had given me. I thought that it would've healed at least the tiniest bit when I converted, but I guess I was wrong. It was pretty visible, only a few strands of fur hovering over the wound. 

The worst part was that the wound had reopened, leaving it to bleed down my left arm. Sitting down for a moment, I looked towards the sky. The moon was a curse to me now. I used to look at the moon, asking for answers. But now, it's become a curse. Turning me into something that I didn't want to be. The worst part of my whole being. 

I looked down from the moon, slowly getting up from my sitting position. Since I was going to be here till the morning, I decided to walk around a little. A small limp in my walk, I stepped over fallen tree branches and around some of the huge ditches in the ground. It makes me wonder what Hagrid had seen out here.

A sudden twig snap, made me stop. I didn't know what was supposed to be out here, besides for possibly Sirius Black, Greyback, Lupin or Hagrid. I didn't want either of them near me, but if they weren't, then what was it? This forest is home to many weird and dark creatures all the same. Unfortunately, I've only been in this forest twice, not including this current moment. 

When I converted, I git heightened scenes. Mostly hearing and smell. I could hear the little footsteps of ants from a few miles away if I wanted too, I could even smell a drop of blood from Hagrid's hut all the way to the station that the Hogwarts Express waited at. But the twig snap sounded close and this wasn't a person. 

Sniffing around a little for any clues in what could be watching me, I stayed out in all fours. My eyes searched the darkness, my eyes heightening along with the hearing and smelling abilities. I sniffed a little of dirt, horse and. . .mint? 

Just as I had deciphered the last smell, an arrow was shoot past my face and into the trunk beside me. Just an inch over and that would've got my face. I looked over to see the culprit, a full-grown, male centaur with an arrow pointed towards me. 

My eyes narrowed as I snarled, a low growling coming from my mouth. I slowly moved a little to the side, planning an attack in the centaur. I didn't know what had come over me, I just really wanted to kill this centaur for no reason whatsoever. Actually, maybe there is a reason. That centaur almost shot my face. 

My growl became louder, as I grew inches closer to the centaur. He still hadn't fired his other arrow, only aiming it at me with precise precision. Was I scared? I didn't know, I couldn't feel anything but bloodlust. The only thing I want to do is kill the centaur, no matter what or how it happens. 

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