S4. Ep 1.

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꧁꧂ = time skip

Your POV.

Nothing but the sound of my rushed footsteps hitting the heavy cemented floor of ninjago city was heard. The crowds of people made it difficult for me to move. I'm currently outrunning three men. Way older, way bigger. I could fight them if I wanted to. I bet I'd win. But i don't want to be noticed. Teleporting or fighting in a place like this could really ruin my whole, blend in with the crowd act. These men.. I don't even know them yet they chase after me like.. like their life depends on it. I'm only in ninjago city because I'm running away from my foster home. You see, I want to find kruxx.. my father. I've looked everywhere for him. Everywhere. It's like he's in a different place entirely. I want to be with him instead of here, with my foster parents. They're evil. They act like I'm a tool, they beat me, what ever they want to me. I'm legally old enough to move out but since they never allowed me to go to school I don't have a chance at getting a job.

I glanced back at the waves of people and noticed the three men were stuck in the crowd. Great, now I just need to hide and find out what is it that they want me so badly for. I kept running until I reached an run down alley way that belonged to a brunt down arcade. I couldn't seen much of the arcade while running into the alley way next to it, all I could see were the words "prime empire." Written on one of the games. But I really don't care for that right now.

I looked back at the way I came from to see the men weren't there. Good, looks like I lost them. I slid down the dirty wall resting my butt on the dirt implied floor. I threw my head back while taking deep breaths. God I've never ran so fast in my life!!

After minutes of catching my breath I regained to my feet and swiped the dirt off my butt. I glanced at the way I came from, they're still not here. I looked towards the end of the alleyway. It seems to be a few feet away before it comes in contact with a high wall. Wait. There's something at the end.. a light.

It didn't take long for me to charge at the light. I really want to know what that is.

After coming closer to the light I could see what it was more clearly. Two torches and a paper in the middle. An tiny platform under it. Which held a Fortune cookie on it. I took down the paper that was held on the wall. It's just a picture of a watch and colors. Many different colors all around the watch. This is really weird. Is this a trap?

I placed the paper back on the wall and cracked open the fortune cookie. In the fortune cookie is a well.. fortune. No duh. But this one's different. I read the fortune, my eyes skipped through the words as fast as possible. I re-read it over and over again. What the fuck?

"Dear master of.. time. Or should I say teleportation..? Whatever floats your boat. You are here by invited to master chens tournament of elements. If you win.. Chen will give you your father's location. If you loose.. anyways meet at the master chens loading dock at ten Pm. Don't be late. Ninja. "

"This is fucking creepy." I admitted out loud looking back from the way I came. Up, down. Everywhere. Who did this?

I slid the message in my pocket along with the folded up drawing not bothering to eat the cookie before leaving. The men were completely gone. It's almost like they were chasing me to the alleyway to begin with. Fuck that's creepy. I don't trust this master Chen guy but if he does know where my father is.. that would be a big help. And I do need somewhere to stay.. somewhere far, where my foster parents won't find me. So.. do I go? Or do I not go? Would it matter. Or course it would. But what if it's a trap? How does he know I'm looking for my father. How does he know my element. How does he know.. anything about me at all?

Maybe I should teleport to the future to find out. Wait. The further I teleport the more tired I get. What if this master Chen guy's island is really far. I've teleported to another realm and it almost killed me. Wait why would he have me go to another.. wait nothing I'm saying is making sense. I'm so confused.

You know what. I'm gonna go. I'm taking my chances.

He said to be there by ten. It's currently seven. For the next three hours what should I do? Should I travel to meet my old Sensei master wu..? No.. he hasn't seen me in awhile. After all, he couldn't take my leaving well after Moro. What if he found more students.. what if.. just shut up. Practice fighting or something. Anything to pass by time.


I forced myself onto the loading docks. I was nervous but.. what choice do I have. I'm wearing an old ninja suit. The one Sensei wu gave me, it's grey and black. I didn't have the mask on though. I didn't think it was necessary because no one else had it on. From what I could see, there's around.. four ninja..? They seem to be wearing an ninjas outfit like mine. Mines an older model though. Could they be Sensei's new students..? Possibly. After scanning around a bit more I noticed the three men who were chasing me. God I knew it. I knew it. I kept looking till my eyes later on the other elemental masters. They seem pretty good. Quiet but good. Soon enough an boat arrived. Finally. There's one guy here though. I can tell he's not a fighter. But he's following the ninja who are wearing outfits like me. He seems old.

I'm around the middle section of entering the boat. The ninja guys are ahead of me. One of the ninjas though. He keeps staring at me, maybe he noticed the matching outfits. He's wearing all red and he has spiked hair. It's getting kind of weird now. He's not even looking at my outfit just my face with an dazed expression. Great.. weirdo's.

Now he's smiling and still staring at me while entering the boat. I'm going to laugh. Why does he look like that?

After entering the boat myself I rested myself against the railing of the ship. Staring at the deep waves that looked perfect with the midnight sky.

And my alone time was interrupted, Of course.

"Hey, names kai." The red boy from earlier suddenly said to me.

"Y/n." I responded looking back at the water.

"Cute name. Im master of fire. You know.. I'm burning.. hot." He winked.

"Listen lil red. You seem like a nice guy but your flirting isn't going to work on me." I rolled my eyes slowly moving away.

"Oh uhm.. are you more into.. girls..?" He asked with a weary smile.

"I'm just not looking for a relationship at the moment." I sighed running a hand through my hair in hopes of relaxation.

"Right. If you ever change your mind.. just know I'll be waiting on you hot stuff." The boy smiled.

I suddenly felt something tap my shoulder, perhaps another one of his ninja friends? I turned my body around to be met with Emerald eyes.

"I'm Lloyd." The boy gulped. He's nervous. I can tell. "I'm sorry about my friend kai. He's the flirt of the group."

"No worries." I looked down at the boy... Lloyd.

"I.. I couldn't help but notice your outfit.. was it made by maybe.. uhm.. master wu?" The boy then looked me up and down.

"What's it to you.?" I muttered. Maybe I was right and wu got more students.

"I'm one of his students." The boy said. Figures.

This moment was interrupted by a loud voice which stated that we had arrived.

"I'll talk to you later." I said to the two boys before walking off towards the exit.

Word count: 1402

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