Deleted Scene #4: Bring My Daughter Back

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fraught || five hargreeves x reader


Written By: peachyhxlland


"(Y/n), I—" You quickly turned to face your door and noticed Allison rocking a new haircut. You suddenly stopped using your powers as you lost your focus. Allison's eyes widened. "What were you doing?"

As you turned to face the spot where you were attempting to bring Nico back, you were at a loss for words. "I—um..." You stuttered as you tried to explain what you just did. "Reginald said I could change reality... I was trying something."

"Were you trying to bring back someone?"

You opened your mouth to try and explain. "Well, kind of... I know I'm trying to move on but I just want to see Nico agai—"

"Do it," Allison whispered.

Your furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. "I'm sorry, what?"

"Do it for me. Try and bring Claire back."

You stared at Allison in pure confusion and surprise. "Allison, I wasn't even successful in bringing my own grandfather back. Reginald was right, it would take years to master this kind of power..."

Allison walked towards you, leaving the door open for just a few inches. "(Y/n), I am begging you. Don't make me do something you don't want to."

You shook your head, not changing your mind. "I'm sorry Allison, I can't." You replied before turning around to leave your room.

Allison clenched her fists as she furrowed her eyebrows. "I heard a rumor..." You stiffened as your eyes turned briefly to pale white. "...that you're going to do exactly as I say."

As you turned around to face Allison, you blinked your eyes in horror at what she was doing to you. "Allison... please."

"Bring my daughter back."

You attempted to fight back and did not make a move to satisfy her. Allison gritted her teeth. "I said... bring my daughter to life."

She was exerting so much power on you that you could feel your brain melting, but you persisted in fighting back.

"You're going to hurt yourself, (Y/n) if you don't do it."

You gave her a long look before giving in, in the hopes that she would cease abusing her power on you. You raised your hand and tried to bend reality to create Claire. Knowing that Claire wasn't a part of this timeline, you weren't certain if it would work.

Allison's eyes widened when a figure of a human was beginning to form. She knelt down and stared in awe. "Oh, Claire..."

You collapsed to your knees as you started to feel weak from utilizing so much power. It was too much to manage, and you would become weak if you brought a person to life by twisting reality. It would require years of practice to successfully use your powers, as Reginald warned.

Your eyelids started to feel heavy, and you briefly blinked your eyes shut. The figure was beginning to dissipate, and Allison noticed it. "No, no, no! (Y/n), do something!"

You winced in pain when Allison continued to use her powers. "I-I can't..." You whispered.

Allison was startled when the door burst open, forcing her to look up and turn to face the visitor. "Allison, what the hell?!"

When Allison turned to face you and noticed that you were bleeding from the nose, she immediately put an end to using her powers. You stopped using your powers and stared at Allison, panting heavily. Five, the person who stormed in, knelt down in front of you, and cupped your face. "(Y/n)?" He asked worriedly when he saw your weak state. "(Y/n), come on. Can you hear me?"

When Allison realized what she had done, she jumped to her feet and stared at you while shuddering. You looked at Five as you turned your head. "Hi..." You whispered and managed to crack a weak smile.

Five smiled back and embraced you as he held your head in his arms and turned to face Allison. You sighed and hugged him back before closing your eyes. Five pulled away and noticed you went limp. He sighed before scooping you in his arms, your head resting on his shoulder.

"Five, I—" Allison tried to talk to him, but Five shook his head for her to stop. Five looked back at her with a serious expression. "Look, I know how much you want your daughter back. But leave (Y/n) out of it." He sternly told her before leaving the room with you in his arms. No way was he letting your rest back in your room unsupervised.


As you gradually opened your eyes, a bright light from the ceiling above greeted you. You sighed and glanced to your side to see Five reading a book he had discovered in the room while seated next to you. "Five?" You asked groggily.

Five quickly turned around and took a deep breath after turning around and noticing that you had woken up. "Oh, good. You're awake."

"Why am I in your room?" You asked as you looked around the room.

"Well, I can't let you rest on your own after what happened."

You blinked twice as you took in what had just happened earlier. "My brain is gonna go messy once more if Allison's going to rumor me again." You groaned as you sat up.

Five sighed as he set his book down and moved closer to you. "How are you feeling?"

"Got a slight headache." You murmured. "Being rumored is not a fun experience."

"I mean, it was one of the reasons why your brain got fucked up, right? I won't let her rumor you again."

"I was able to resist her for a bit." You informed Five. "It was hard, but... I did. She wouldn't stop though."


Deleted scenes are deleted parts from a chapter that I wrote but didn't make it to the final published chapters.

This scene was supposed to be after Five and Lila visited the Commission yadda. Probably before Viktor helped Harlan escape and before Five went to visit Pogo.

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