Chapter Twenty-Five: Sorry, It Looks Squishy

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fraught || five hargreeves x reader


Written By: peachyhxlland


You took a moment to survey the house after the argument and then went to the second level. You reached a room with a red door by accident. You came to a complete stop and thought of the Room. You sighed heavily. "I thought I could escape you..." You whispered under your breath.

"There's nothing in there!" You snapped your head and saw Sloane walking towards you. "Sorry! It's just full of unnecessary things. We made it into a stacking room when Dad didn't use it."

You nodded in understanding. "That's because no one in the Sparrows has the necessary abilities to be trained there." You explained as you knocked on the red door's wood. "This used to be a room where Reg locks me up to practice my powers."

"At least you got easy training: just opening the door."

You shook your head. "I grew fear in tight places so it was hard to concentrate. And when I tried to open the door, it was like it won't let me. Even if I used my powers." You placed your palm on the wooden red door and sighed. "It's like it wanted me to stay there forever."

Sloane gave you a sympathetic look but you brushed it off. "(Y/n), we may not be close, but I can assure you that I don't think you're useless," Sloane reassured as she held your hands. "I never knew what happened to you but I can tell that what your sister said was... harsh."

"No, it's fine. I'll get over it—"

"(Y/n)," Sloane warned. "It's not okay and it's fine to feel upset about it.

"Look, Sloane." You spoke and pulled your hands away from her, finally sharing what happened to Jeanie and trying to change the subject. "I... Jeanie, she—"

"I saw." Sloane interrupted your sentence. You paused as you stared at her while she smiled sadly. "She brought you to one of the abandoned warehouses where we used to do our training. We still have camera access there until we finally find a buyer."

"Does Ben and the others...?"

"I haven't told them." Sloane looked down at her hands. "Because I knew Ben would assume the worst and might kill you. But I looked into the footage so many times and... I can tell. You were out of control."

You sighed as you shook your head. "Sloane, I'm so, so sorry. I tried to stop myself but the power alone was controlling me."

"I was furious when I saw the footage, but I watched it so many times, and... it's not you who killed her. The (Y/n) I met and knew wouldn't do that. You were kind and helpful to me when your sister rumored me." Sloane replied. "And I have to convince my siblings about that."

As you came closer, you handed Sloane the device that Jeanie had used to extract her powers. "This was the device that she used... to... well...." Due to the footage, Sloane was able to immediately understand what you were trying to say. "She also said that... she's sorry for being a shitty sister and she still loves all of you."

Sloane hurriedly wiped away a tear that was falling from her eye while trying to hold back a smile. "She wasn't a pleasant person to be around, but... I still loved her." She admitted. "I always have. Because she was always there for me as I am to her."

You gave Sloane a small smile before looking downstairs. "When are you gonna tell them?"

Sloane shrugged as she looked downstairs as well. "Maybe after all of this is done? Besides, we need you in our plan to stop the Kugelblitz."

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