Chapter Twenty-Four: You're Biased, (Y/n)

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fraught || five hargreeves x reader


Written By: peachyhxlland


Luther has also remained standing and took a few seconds to pace around his area. "So, uh..." He cleared his throat. "This is kinda nice, right? All of us together. One big happy family." He chuckled before leaning to Sloane in worry. "I feel like I'm sweaty. Am I sweating?"

In order to make sure, Sloane patted Luther's cheek and gave him a reassuring head nod. "No, you're fine." She soothed as Luther sat down next to her.

"Look, I know there's been bad blood between us," Ben spoke up. "Whatever. Bygones, right?" Suddenly, Diego rose his hand up. "Question?"

"Yeah, if I kill you, do we get our Ben back?" Diego asked while lowering his hand earning a snicker from Fei. Five gave a look at his brother and Diego looked back at him. "Hypothetically."

"Keep talking, and your hand won't be the only thing that's bleeding." Ben hissed in annoyance.

"Okay, if the testosterone twins are done, I'd like to get back to a plan." Five spoke up, breaking the conversation between Diego and Ben.

Viktor rushed in all of a sudden, a Walkman in one hand, headphones in the other, a look of panic on his face. "Where is he?" He asked.

"Where's who?" You asked as you wiped your hands off from crumbs.

Allison, however, picked up on who Viktor was referring to. "Viktor." She calmly responded.

Viktor turned around to Ben. "What did you do to Harlan?"

"They didn't do anything." Allison quickly replied. "I did." Allison carried on speaking as Viktor turned to face her. "I killed Harlan."

Your eyes widened as you adjusted your seat in the armchair and reached your arm to grasp Five's shoulder. As he peered at Allison in complete shock and disbelief, Viktor blinked his tearful eyes. "What..." He whispered. "I... I don't... I don't understand. Why?"

"Because he didn't deserve to live."

"What? Because they said so?" Viktor questioned as he glanced at the Sparrows. "You don't have to listen to them. They don't get to tell us what to do."

Ben moved, sat down between Diego and Five, and took a jar of cheeseballs. "20 bucks on the little one," Ben whispered to Five as he ate a cheese ball.

Five shrugged. "I'll take that action."

You smacked them in the back of their heads after hearing what they were saying. You received a glare from Ben and Five. The two men instantly turned their heads away when you raised your eyebrows and gave them a stern look.

Viktor continued to talk. "You coulda talked to me. We could've figured out something else."

"So, what, you could lie to us again and take his side?" Allison questioned.

"That's not what happened."

Allison shook her head. "Oh, no, that's exactly what happened." She leaned away from her chair as she continued to stare at Viktor. "I know Harlan killed all of our mothers."

"What?" You asked as you felt your heart drop in an instant. The others also questioned Allison if what they heard was true.

Luther faced Viktor in shock. "Shit."

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