Chapter Thirty-Four: You Think It Isn't Fair, Is It?

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fraught || five hargreeves x reader


Written By: peachyhxlland


"Woo! Five! Yeah!" As you, Five, and Reginald walked into the hotel lobby, you could hear Klaus yelling cheers for Five. Except for Allison and Ben, the rest of the group began to applaud and whistle.

"Here he is!" Luther applauded. In the same moment, Five felt both irritated and perplexed. While you two were walking by the Hargreeves children, Five continued to hold your hand. Having departed early last night, Allison stayed sitting and was unaware of what had transpired.

"Yeah!" Lila yelled as she stood by the couch and clapped.

"That speech last night! Wow!" Diego exclaimed as he clapped along.

"Brought me to tears, you big softie," Lila added while placing her hands on her chest. Five maintained his expression of seriousness, placing his hands on his pockets while one of the hands was still holding yours.

"I especially liked when you referred to us as a family bound by destiny and love," Viktor stated with a smile.

Five was offered a hug by Lila when she leaped off the couch. But Five paid her no attention. You were pulled away from Five by Lila with a soft pout before she gave you a hug.

"Okay. Enough." Five told everyone. "It was the booze talking." He excused. 'In the light of day, you're all still deplorable."

"And your day's about to get worse." Reginald started speaking to begin his explanation of his plan. Lila still had her arms around you, so you were laying your back against her chest while Five sat in the opposite chair. She had you in her arms like a teddy bear. But Lila was also resting her head against Diego.

"The Norse had seven sleepers." Reginald began. "The Blackfoot, seven stars. As a boy, I heard the legend of the seven bells. All these stories are the same. The village is under threat by flood, by fire, by a night that never ends. A shaman brings his disciples to a sacred cave. He tells them if they can ring the seven magic bells, the village will be saved, and all will be restored just as it was."

You all fell silent as you attempted to comprehend the information. You could tell what he was trying to achieve, but you couldn't exactly say what exactly was his goal.

Lila shot her arm up. "Reggie?" She asked. "Can we get a little less Brothers Grimm and more 'What the hell does this have to do with us?'"

"There is a truth to these myths," Reginald answered. "None of you can deny what's going on around us. All of existence will be gone by the end of the day, but whoever or whatever wove together space and time, they left a way to put things back together if the universe ever faced total annihilation." He explained. "There is a portal in the universe. I built this hotel around it, and on the other side is the answer."

"And... we're supposed to, what?" Luther asked. "Just stroll in there, ring some bells, and fix this shit?"

"Sarcasm aside, you are mostly right. Except for the guardian."

"What kind of guardian?" You asked curiously, making yourself comfortable around Lila's arms.

Diego raised his left hand to show his two missing fingers to everyone and you. "Kinda guardian that does this." He said. "He had a sword."

"It is a force to be reckoned with," Reginald replied.

"See? Yeah. This is where you lose me." Luther told as he waved his hand in a gesture of surprise and defeat.

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