Chapter Twenty-Six: Just Two Kids Playing Tag

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fraught || five hargreeves x reader


Written By: peachyhxlland


"Okay, how do we start?" Viktor asked Sloane. Back in the basement, you were all finalizing the strategy. While focusing on the Kugelblitz, Sloane turned and moved around. "Have you ever moved a nest of bees?" Sloane asked Viktor, you, and Lila.

Lila shook her head. "No, because that's weird." She glanced at you when she saw your expression. "You had, hadn't you (Y/n)?"

You gave her a sheepish smile. "Klaus dared me to shake a beehive and move it to Reg's office."

"The bees chased after her while Klaus was laughing his ass off," Diego added as he smiled at the memory. Since Allison was present when it occurred, she grinned for a split second as well.

Sloane turned to face you. "And what did you learn, (Y/n)."

You softly gulped. "Erm, you can't just pick it up...?"

Sloane nodded. "Correct." She replied. "You have to keep the nest calm while you build a box around it, and then you trap it." She explained.

"Are you ready?" Christopher asked Sloane. Sloane responded with a nod and proceeded to shrink the Kugelblitz by floating in the air while using her special abilities. "(Y/n)," Christopher called out. You gave a silent nod before taking a deep breath and flying into the air like Sloane is doing. Your eyes were glowing red, and in your hands were two mystical psionic wisps. Five looked at you in admiration.

"One of those black holes inside is vibrating at a different rate," Fei informed everyone, especially Viktor and Lila.

Viktor nodded at Fei. "I can feel them."

"Good. Whatever happens, don't let them speed up or change, or everything will blow."

"Don't shake the bees. Got it." Viktor glowed as he used his powers to slowly wrap the Kugelblitz with his powers to keep it steady. Fei turned to Lila. "Lila, when you're ready, do exactly like Viktor." Lila nodded and mimicked Viktor's powers as well as doing the exact thing he did.

Luther leaned toward Ben to whisper. "Hey, what are they doing?" He asked in wonder.

"Using its own gravity to condense it," Ben replied. "(Y/n) is doing the same, but she's making it steadier."

"That's pretty cool, huh?" Luther beamed, causing Ben to give him a weird look. Luther's smile quickly vanished.

While the others watched carefully, you, Lila, Sloane, and Viktor proceeded to steady and shrink the Kugelblitz. However, all of you were unable to hear a set of footsteps descending the basement. "You didn't tell me you were building a prison for God." Diego was drawn to the sound of a familiar robotic voice coming from the basement's entrance. "Mom?" He called out when he saw Grace in new attire and carrying an item in her hand.

"You have no right to do that." Grace continued with her speech.

"We're a little busy here, Grace," Luther told Grace before looking back at his girlfriend, Lila, and his siblings. Diego, however, headed in Grace's direction to see how she was doing.

"The day of vengeance was in my heart..."

Luther gave in and walked behind Diego when he noticed Grace was behaving too strangely. "What are you talking about?"

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