Chapter Two: Too Scared, Kid?

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fraught || five hargreeves x reader


Written By: peachyhxlland


After fighting Ben and Jeanie, you and Five have gone separate ways. Five went in a different direction, while you started fighting the long-haired woman after she lifted Vanya and sent her to the second floor. She throw kicks and punches, but you kept dodging her as fast as you could. You stopped for a moment and smiled at her. "You know, you really look nice."

The woman smiled. "Aww, thank you."


"Sloane. You?"

"(Y/n)." You introduced yourself. "Lovely to meet you." You sent a kick in her direction, but Sloane used her powers and lifted you up. She spun you for a little bit, but you kept your focus on her and sent an energy blast towards Sloane to send her away from you. You landed harshly on the ground and you groaned loudly from the pain.

You heard Klaus's yells in the other room when Ben caught him with his tentacles and lifted him above. "See? We're hugging! This is progress!" When you saw Ben was about to throw Klaus away, you quickly stretched your arm out and saved Klaus from almost dying. You landed him safely on the floor next to you. "Oh, thank you, baby sis!"

Klaus helped you up and you patted his back. "Go, Klaus. These guys are too strong for us." You looked by the stairs, seeing Fei was frozen and Five helped Allison from the man with the disfigured face by spatial jumping on the second floor. Fei was able to move again and she looked at her puzzled brother. "Fast little guy."

You looked up and saw Jayme confronting Five. You looked back at Klaus. "Meet me later, okay? You be careful."

Klaus patted your head. "You should be careful too."

Your eyes widened when the man who Allison had fought earlier was going to attack Klaus so you pushed Klaus away using your powers and took the hit. You rolled on the floor and groaned once more from the pain. "(Y/n)!" You heard Klaus's distressed yell.

"Go!" You exclaimed before moving away when the man was about to stomp your face. You held the man in his position using your powers and shot him with an energy blast.

"Alphonso!" Fei gasped when she saw her brother hitting the wall. "Ack!" You gasped when you felt your back hurting. Alphonso approached you and you quickly stood up, preparing to run away. Alphonso raised his fist and you quickly raised yourself up, taking a large leap above Alphonso before landing behind him and shooting another psionic energy blast at his back and sending him towards another wall once more.

You dropped to your knees and took a breather, exhausted from all the Sparrows. You haven't even fought Jayme, Fei, Christopher, and their leader, but you were extremely tired. You looked around and Fei was nowhere to be found. You snapped your head to the side when you heard the noises from the stairs. Turns out, Jayme had kicked Five and it was Five who was rolling down the stairs. "Five!" You gasped and quickly came to his aid when you saw the injury on his forehead. "Are you okay?"

"Nope. Not really." Five admitted as he got up and saw your cut on your cheekbone. "Oh, my God. Are you okay?"

"Honestly, I'm not okay too."

You and Five saw the leader of the Sparrows and Luther continued to fight, however, Luther was exhausted and wasn't able to throw any strong punches anymore. The Sparrows' leader performed an uppercut and sent Luther upwards until he fell once more to the floor. Most of the Sparrows were watching and discussing what to eat later.

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