Chapter Forty: Only Love Can Hurt Like This

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fraught || five hargreeves x reader


Written By: peachyhxlland


Luther looked away from Reginald and pulled himself away from the hug to gaze down at his wife. He suddenly became aware of the fading of his hand. Klaus was lying on the floor as Luther turned to look at him. "Klaus..."

Klaus struggled to hold his powers, but he was losing too much blood. "I can't... hold it." He said faintly.

Luther slowly nodded and looked back at Sloane. "I will love you forever. Okay?" He smiled as Sloane cried and nodded. After Sloane and he told their final goodbyes, Luther eventually vanished and Klaus took his last breath.

After a little period of time, Klaus regained consciousness, however, his wound was still not completely healed. Five lowered his head to the ground and peered into the lobby, where he witnessed the guardian coming back with the cockroaches entering its body. Five stared at Reginald. "The sigil is on the lobby floor. It's the stars!"

"Children, find a star on the sigil. Stand on it!" Reginald instructed in a hurry. "Ben, now's your time, boy! Quickly!"

Sloane simply moved ahead when she noticed a star in front of her as opposed to the other people who were painfully slowly getting up. While looking for a star, Viktor limped. "Seven points, seven of us? We're the bells?" He questioned.

You saw the guardian standing up, but the others were either still seeking the star symbols or were standing on them because of the pain they were feeling. "I'm ending this." You whispered before standing up and ignoring Reginald's protests. "There's no time, Number Eight!"

You made your way to the guardian as Five watched you. "(Y/n), what the hell are you doing?!" He asked out loud and quickly rushed down the stairs.

You stood in front of the guardian as it rose back to its feet. You raised both of your hands and used your powers to prevent the guardian from moving. While they watched you seem to succeed, the others held themselves back from going to the symbols.

While paying attention to the guardian, you paid no attention to the discomfort in your shoulder and chest. You didn't care when the deep red veins started to reappear. You need to save your family. And you will save them.

You flicked your wrist to strip the guardian of the remains of its heavy armor. You yelled loudly as you tore the guardian in half, using all of your strength and powers, and the creature let out a loud shriek and scream in response.

You've successfully vanquished the final guardian. Reginald in particular was shocked as your family and friends just stood there looking at you in shock. The only way you could defeat it, in Reginald's opinion, was by yourself.

Five was also in shock, but he instantly ran towards you, grunting in pain. "(Y/n)!" He called out as he came near you. Without any response, you collapsed on the floor. "(Y/n)!" He knelt down and saw you groaning in pain. "Hey, hey..." He whispered. "Are you okay?"

Because of how much pain you were enduring, you quickly regretted your chuckle. It felt as though your chest had been torn apart. Your teeth were stained with blood as you smiled and turned to face Five. "I-I... should be the one asking... you that." You croaked out as noticed his missing arm.

"No, no, no. Stop talking."

Your previous remarks to Allison started to echo in the back of her head, which caused Allison's eyes to widen in dread. And she felt ill to her stomach after she remembered how she responded to you.

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