Chapter Fifteen: You Know Nothing

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fraught || five hargreeves x reader


Written By: peachyhxlland


When you ran into the Oasis Spa, you discovered Diego holding a knife to Sloane's neck and Sloane using her powers to lift Luther down after using them previously to choke him and elevate him. "Diego..." You spoke calmly as you approached him and Sloane with caution. "Take it easy."

"Hush, (Y/n)," Diego replied with his blade still pressed against Sloane's throat.

"Diego, you can let her go now," Luther told Diego.

"What?" Diego questioned as he stared at his brother. "Are you kidding me?"

"I said let her go. She's hurt."

"She is the enemy."

"She doesn't seem that hostile, Diego, come on." Sloane offered you a hopeful look after hearing you attempting to reason with Diego.

Diego's insensitivity caused Luther to get irate and impatient. "If you hurt her, I will bury you." He threatened.

Allison stepped in from the other entrance and glared at Luther. "You gonna bury me too, Luther?!" She questioned angrily.

After giving her a brief moment of attention, Luther turned his gaze to Sloane. "Just..." He panted, nervous about what his siblings will do to his lover. "Just let me talk to her. Okay? Please." He pleaded.

As Sloane glanced at Allison, who was giving her a chilly stare, her eyes began to well up with tears. "Trust me," Allison stated. "She's gonna talk."

After holding Sloane for a while, Diego grudgingly let go of her and sat next to Allison in one of the tubs. Sloane was still in her spot right by the wall, trembling and whimpering in terror, while you stood there and crossed your arms. You feel awful for her, and Luther's concern for her is evident to you.

"I heard a rumor..." Allison began using her power and ignored Luther's protests. "'re gonna tell me the truth."

"Let her do her thing, man," Diego told Luther.

Sloane's eyes went white, but despite her best attempts, she was unable to maintain her straight face. Allison leaned forward. "Where's the briefcase?" She questioned.

Sloane managed to resist her for a little while, which surprised Allison just a little bit as you could hear Sloane's soft whimpers. Allison grew impatient. "Tell me." She hissed. "Where is it?" Allison stood up as Sloane refused to back down and respond to her question. "Where the hell... is it?"

"I don't know!" Sloane blurted out loudly.

"Allison!" Luther exclaimed in an effort to prevent Allison from using her powers anymore.

"We left it in your house, and it is our only way out of this!" Allison yelled as she stepped closer to Sloane. "Where is it?!"

"Allison!" You scolded when you saw blood trickling from Sloane's nose.

Luther pushed Allison away. "That's enough!" Allison's torturing of Sloane came to a stop when he cried out. Sloane recoiled to your touch when you swiftly came to her aid, and her eyes landed on you. "Hey, it's okay." You soothed as you felt her hands holding your arms for support.

You attempted to read her mind as you tried to determine if she was telling the truth by gazing into her eyes. You sighed as you confirmed that she was indeed telling the truth.

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