Chapter Twenty-Eight: You Smell Like Blood

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fraught || five hargreeves x reader


Written By: peachyhxlland


Everyone fell silent once Five finished speaking as they took in his words with all their hearts and minds. Luther and Sloane exchanged a smile and a glance. "Well, on that... super happy note, we've, um..." Your whole attention was drawn when Luther spoke up as he and Sloane stood hand in hand.

"Oh, what the hell." Luther stifled a laugh.

"Okay." Sloane giggled excitingly after she and Luther hesitated to announce their announcement for a bit.

"We've, uh, got a little announcement to make." Luther declared. You looked at Five. "They're either engaged or Sloane's pregnant."

"You really wanna bet about that?" Five asked quietly as he looked back at you.

"If you have your own money, Hargreeves."

"You're on, Russell. I call the second one. 5 bucks."

"Fine, I call the first one."

Luther and Sloane glanced at each other before showing Sloane's right finger which was wrapped with a ring. "We're engaged!" The two announced in unison. You smirked at Five while holding out your hand in anticipation of your five bucks. Five rolled his eyes and handed you his five bucks right away. Five sighed dejectedly. "Idiots." He muttered to Luther and Sloane.

Ben rolled his eyes as he drank his alcohol in his flash. "Kill me, Jesus." He said quietly under his breath.

"Now?" Allison questioned with her eyes widened in surprise from the huge announcement.

Luther wrapped his arm around Sloane as he tried to explain. "Yeah. Look, we realize the timing is less than ideal." He said. "But, obviously, it's now or never." Luther turned to look at Five. "Am I right, Five?"

Five shook his head as he hugged Mr. Pennycrumb close to him. "Don't drag me into this, please." He begged.

Luther's smile instantly faded. Now, it was Sloane who did the talking. "Whatever time we have left, we wanna spend it with all of you."

"That's actually sweet." You whispered as you rubbed Mr. Pennycrumb's head.

"So we're super pumped if you would join us in the banquet hall at 6:00 p.m. for a celebration of our love, and the official union of what's left of our two great families," Sloane announced

"Dress code is creative black-tie," Luther added.

You quickly turned your head to Five. "I—"

"No." Five quickly replied.

Small jars with rocks were started to be given out as wedding invitations by Luther and Sloane. Luther gave you one, and you accepted it before he gave you a light pat on the head and returned to his seat. You occasionally find it annoying how the Hargreeves siblings treat you like their younger sister. However, you were getting used to it, and now you didn't care.

"Wow!" Lila exclaimed as she received her invitation. She giggled as she stared at the small container in awe. "And you did all of this yourself?"

"Luther helped too," Sloane replied. "We stayed up all night." She moved to Five and gave him the invitation.

"Amazing," Lila whispered.

You sat on the ground and opened the tiny jar with excitement. In case Mr. Pennycrumb ever jumps down and starts gobbling up the rocks you were currently playing with, Five had to keep Mr. Pennycrumb close by. Five smiled as he observed you play with the tiny rocks like a young child. He finds it fascinating that you can be both mature and childlike at the same time.

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