Chapter Seven: Ball Of Twine

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fraught || five hargreeves x reader


Written By: peachyhxlland


While Klaus was driving the car, Five was seated in the front seat, and you were in the back. You didn't even know how Klaus got the car, but you didn't question it. You assumed Klaus borrowed it from the hotel. Mr. Pennycrumb, whom Chet had let you borrow earlier, was petted carefully by you. You explained to him that you needed an emotional support animal. You thanked Chet for being so generous to allow you to borrow his dog.

You felt awful about leaving Viktor alone in the hotel with Allison since Diego decided to leave as well with Stanley when the kid was having an ear-leaking problem.

Klaus slurped his drink loudly and then put the cup down when it was empty. Five took a huge deep breath as he looked out the window. "This actually isn't so terrible."

Klaus nodded. "See? Told you."

"Come to think of it, my whole life I've been under the gun. Missions for Dad, working for the Commission, trying to survive the apocalypse."

"In all your time working for the Commission, you never had a day off?" As you held Mr. Pennycrumb in your arms, you asked with interest.

Five shook his head. "I don't think I ever got one, dear."

"You didn't have the chance to take in the scenery of every country and timeline you were assigned?"

Five shook his head once more. "Not really, no. I was always looking around every corner, just waiting for the other shoe to drop. It's nice to just breathe."

Klaus smiled at Five while maintaining a focused gaze on the road. "Good for you, man. Retirement is suiting you."

Five gasped as he pulled something out of the glove compartment. "Oh! Uh... all right!" He took out a map and began explaining. "So, I've circled all the roadside attractions along the way."

Klaus glanced at Five's map. "Oh, I'm not sure we're gonna have time... for all of that." He tried to say, but Five continued talking. "We have the Brownsville Big Nickel." Five said. You put the dog down next to you and leaned closer to Five to look at his map of Pennsylvania. "Wow, you are pretty well-prepared for this road trip."

"Of course." Five smirked at you before returning his attention to the map. "Oh! Ricky's Bakery has award-winning pies."

"Well, if you just let me explain for like two seconds—" Klaus was unable to intervene when Five continued to discuss potential tourist attractions along the road. "Or there's this Cow Henge." Five glanced at Klaus with a smile. "That's it—don't—"

"Alright, listen to me," Klaus said. "Just shut up for two seconds, okay? Just two seconds? Alright?"

As Five refolded his map and stowed it back in the car's glove box, you and Five paid close attention to what Klaus had to say. "Okay, I'm all ears."

"We... are going to Pennsylvania to find... my birth mother," Klaus announced slowly. "Yay!"

You raised your eyebrows in surprise while Five furrowed his. "Excuse me?" He quietly asked in disbelief.

The bewilderment and disappointment on Five's face caught Klaus' attention, and he sighed. "I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry." He quickly apologized before Five could get angry. "I just needed somebody to come with me for emotional support. Y-You know, like (Y/n) bringing her dog!"

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