Chapter Eleven: I'm An Alcoholic, Five

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fraught || five hargreeves x reader


Written By: peachyhxlland


"I was being held captive," Luther announced. "By the Sparrows."

You looked up from Viktor's shoulder as the Hargreeves siblings and you both fixed your eyes on him. "What?" You all asked at the same time.

Luther blinked his eyes in confusion. "Wait. Did none of you notice?"

The Hargreeves stopped for a moment before talking to Luther, overlapping each other. "Yeah. Oh, my God."

"We're happy you're home safe and sound."

"We were so worried."

Allison rolled her eyes at her siblings. "Stop lying."

Luther sighed and rolled his eyes as well. "Oh, yeah. Okay. Nice."

"Did they hurt you?" Allison asked.

"Who? The Sparrows?" Luther chuckled. "God, no. Not at all. Excellent hosts. Really quite charming, actually." He commented as he set the tote bag on top of the pool table while Klaus touched Luther's Sparrow jacket to feel the fabric. "Oh, and you should see their gym. Outstanding!"

"Sounds like you had a wonderful time despite being kidnapped, buddy." You replied. "It's like they treated you a guest."

Luther nodded. "I really think we got these guys all wrong." He said as he slurped on his drink. After looking through his tote bag, Allison took out a vinyl record of the Sparrow Academy. "Says the guy they kidnapped."

You moved away from Viktor in order to examine the Sparrows' vinyl record. "They have music? Are they sure they're even heroes? They sound more like a brand."

Diego whistled to catch Luther's attention. "What did they want?"

"Oh. Marcus. He's missing." As he said, Luther cast a downward glance toward Viktor. "They want him back. Unharmed."

Viktor shook his head. "We don't have him."

"Well," Luther paused for a moment. "Damn. I was hoping we'd solve that one quickly and then move on to problem number two." He cleared his throat. "Disappearing people."

While you and the others were looking at Luther, Viktor narrowed his eyes. You all looked around when a vase suddenly broke in the background, and you could all see that Stanley was to blame. "Uh, it was... it was the wind." Stanley stammered as he came up with an excuse.

"Who's the kid?" Luther asked.

You let out a long sigh and headed for the stairs while snatching Klaus' extra beer bottle. "I'm going to bed." You announced to everyone. "Oh, wait!" Luther called out making you stop. "One of the Sparrows said to meet her tomorrow morning at the park."

"Who?" You asked.

"Um, was it Ginny?" Luther asked himself before gasping. "Oh! Jeanie!"

You raised your eyebrows in surprise before nodding. "Thanks." After replying, you and Mr. Pennycrumb started to descend the stairs. Luther turned to the others. "Is something off with her?"

"She was fine a minute ago," Viktor replied. "And then she got all moody."

"Who is she by the way?" Leaning over his cue stick, Stanley asked Diego. He received a stern glare from Diego. "That's my sister and she's taken."

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