Chapter Sixteen: Bring Her Back!

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fraught || five hargreeves x reader


Written By: peachyhxlland


"You walked us into a slaughter," Fei quarreled as she, Christopher, Jeanie, and Ben followed him into the mansion.

"You were all right there with me." Ben hissed. "This is as much your fault as mine."

"How?" Fei questioned. "You're Number One, remember?"

"I wasn't aware he was Number One," Jeanie muttered quietly.

"Yeah, but I'm a different kind of Number One," Ben told Fei.

Fei hummed in agreement. "Mm, the shitty kind." She said, which caused Jeanie to raise her eyebrows in surprise and brought Ben to turn around to face her. "That's why Dad demoted you. That's why he made Marcus Number One. You don't know how to lead. You don't have what it takes."

Ben abruptly struck Fei in the face, causing her glasses to fall off. Christopher floated next to Jeanie, keeping his remarks to himself while she covered her mouth in shock. Fei laughed and turned to look at Ben while the background was filled with the noisy cawing of ravens. "Marcus would have never let—"

"He's gone." Ben barked. "You know what our real problem is? You." Fei exhaled sharply while Jeanie sent a glare toward Ben. "You're a shit Number Two, Fei."

"I second that," Christopher spoke up, causing Ben to chuckle. "See? Even Christopher agrees with me."

Jeanie sent a look toward Christopher. "Really?" She whispered.

"You don't get to speak, Number Eight." Ben hissed, looking sternly at Jeanie. "Unless you, too, agree with me."

Jeanie rolled her eyes and sent a middle finger at Ben. "Eat shit, Ben." She spat before helping Fei to pick up her glasses. Ben shook his head and marched his way to Reginald's office with Christopher behind him. Jeanie and Fei followed shortly.

"What have I missed?" Reginald asked curiously as he sat down on his chair. "Sounds juicy."

Fei sighed and Ben sat down on the couch. As she leaned against a chair, Jeanie had her arms crossed. "We lost Jayme, Alphonso, and Sloane." She informed Reginald.

"Oh!" Reginald gasped. "Well, then we should be out looking for them. Fetch my jacket." Fei stopped him from standing up just as he was about to.

"No, Dad," Fei replied. "Jeanie means they're dead."

Jeanie averted her gaze because she was distracted by the thoughts of Sloane, Alphonso, and Jayme. Alphonso and Jayme had passed away, leaving Sloane in the hands of the Umbrellas. She was aware that she needed to act, yet she felt helpless due to her powers.

Reginald looked down in dismay. "Such a shame." He said as he sat back down on his seat. "What happened?"

"Those assholes from the Umbrella Academy," Ben answered. "You were actually right about them."

"After Marcus disappeared, Ben led us on a mission to take them down," Fei explained.

"Nice leadership, Benja-dick." Jeanie huffed as she glared at Ben.

Ben glared at both Fei and Jeanie. "It would have worked, but they had some kind of secret weapon." He told Reginald. "This old guy with powers on their side, which is totally cheating. We didn't have a chance."

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