Deleted Scene #1: What A Peculiar Child

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fraught || five hargreeves x reader


Written By: peachyhxlland


Pogo had never had to handle a situation like this with the Hargreeves siblings, but here he was trying to pursue you around the mansion. It was either your second or third day living at the Hargreeves Mansion, and as you were a new resident, you had no idea what the house regulations were. You have been given a few days to explore on your own by Sir Reginald Hargreeves so that you may get adjusted to your surroundings.

Reginald was working on documents in his office and creating new future plans for the Umbrella Academy. He was startled to hear raucous giggles in the vicinity. Reginald huffed and quickly exited his office until he saw your face planting on the floor. When Pogo eventually caught up to you, he scooped you up in his arms and examined you to see whether you had any cuts or wounds on your face.

However, you couldn't help but giggle despite falling face-first to the ground. Reginald thought it was odd that you, a two-year-old girl, were enjoying the face planting instead of sobbing or yelling. He often dealt with it with his other adopted children, but some of them didn't react by getting injured or bumped. One of the Hargreeves children was knocked to the ground, and he pushed his attacker away back immediately. He was a fighter.

As Reginald approached you and Pogo, he noticed that you were smiling broadly while poking Pogo's nose. You grinned as you turned to face Reginald. "Wanna go outside!" You beamed as your eyes twinkled in excitement.

"Pardon?" Reginald asked. When you started speaking, he was caught off guard. You were a shy little girl and barely even communicate with anyone. He assumed you were progressively attempting to engage with everyone. Or perhaps you consumed something sweet to give you this level of energy.

"Momma always takes me out to play outside." You explained. "Can I go play outside, pwease?"

Pogo smiled softly when he noticed you were staring at Reginald with big doe eyes. Reginald was confused as to why your eyes were so big and innocent. 'Was she trying to convince me to let her go outside by using some sort of manipulation?' He asked in his thoughts. "I'm afraid you can't Number Eight. We have a strict schedule and you're only allowed to go outside with the others."

You pouted and looked at Pogo with teary eyes. That alone made you want to burst into tears instead of falling to the ground. Despite the fact that you had only been here for a few days or less, the chimp had grown attached to you. "Do you want ice cream instead, Miss (Y/n)?" Pogo suggested with a smile.

You nodded eagerly and pumped your fists up. "Yes, please!" You said politely.

Reginald observed Pogo and you as you made your way to the kitchen to fetch some ice cream. When Reginald put his hands in his pockets, he hummed.


Night time came and you were on your bed hugging a pillow. You stared outside of your window, looking at the stars and the moon. Your door opened to reveal Sir Reginald Hargreeves entering your room. You turned to face him, silently gazing at him. Reginald figured you were back to being silent and had calmed down. "I have something for you, Number Eight."

You backed up a little and tightened your hold on your pillow while maintaining your big, curious eyes on Reginald. You got a big grin on your face when Reginald presented you with a stuffed teddy bear. "I decided to give you this since it was something that your mother had left you."

You said "thank you" in a soft voice as he gave you the plush toy. You admired your favorite stuffed animal before turning to look up at Reginald. Like the others of the Umbrella Academy, Reginald sat down on your bed and attached a pulse oximeter sensor to your head.

You grabbed Reginald's torso and hugged him before he could leave. Since you were far too young, you didn't know much about the old man you were embracing. When he returned your teddy bear and provided you with a home to reside in, you merely assumed that he was warm-hearted.

Reginald was frozen. He was never certain how to react when someone touched him or when it comes to physical contact. It was the first time he had ever experienced a child hugging him. When Reginald looked down at you, he noticed that you were smiling and were looking up at him. "Good night..."

Reginald hesitantly gave you a pat on the back before pulling himself away from you and leaving the room. After starting to make his way back to his office, Reginald paused for a minute of thought. "What a peculiar child."


Deleted scenes are deleted parts from a chapter that I wrote but didn't make it to the final published chapters.

I didn't know where to put it that's why it's deleted.

Poor Little (Y/n), doesn't know what she'll endure when she's older.

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