Chapter 207

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Is the fact really as simple as Ye Feng said?

One shot?

It was indeed one shot at a time. Only one gangster happened to avoid Ye Feng's shooting because of his movement, but he still fell under the second shot.

But what happened was far from being as simple as it was said, and the whole process was full of thrilling.

However, the first time the enemy was killed, seven gangsters were directly killed, but Ye Feng did not seem to be affected by any psychological influence. His heart was very big!

His ease is not a pretense at all!

If it's so unnatural, it's also because it feels distressed for the injured player, that's it.

So, where does he need Li Yanfei's comfort?

On the contrary, Ye Feng saw that Li Yanfei was too worried. In order to comfort Li Yanfei, Ye Feng took Li Yanfei to watch several movies, so that Li Yanfei finally came out of her worry and fear.

"It says that your husband is invincible in the world, don't you believe it?" Ye Feng winked at Li Yanfei with a cocky expression on his face.

Li Yanfei couldn't help rolling her eyes. She finally knew that Ye Feng is a weird guy at all, and you can't figure it out with common sense.

After the couple relaxed for a day, Ye Feng sent Li Yanfei back home and bid farewell to his villa under the stare of the death of the old husband.

Now, it's Ye Feng's turn to take stock of the harvest!

This is the most exciting moment!

Although several key clues to the answers to the arms this time were given by the system, to a greater extent, the case was solved because of Ye Feng's super personal ability.

You know, the clues of key figures in the system were even interrupted for a while. It is estimated that the system was stunned at that time!

Without Ye Feng's decisive division of troops and the final fearless assault, it is obvious that the arms answer would not be over at all. Perhaps the two criminal gangs are still at large!

Therefore, Ye Feng is looking forward to what kind of reward the system will give him.

After entering the system, Ye Feng went straight to the system prompt.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully arresting criminals and gaining a justice value of 4540."

"Congratulations to the host for successfully arresting criminals and obtaining 360 million cash rewards."

"Congratulations to the host for successfully arresting criminals and gaining proficiency in criminal profiling skills."

"Congratulations to the host for successfully arresting criminals and gaining proficiency in criminal investigation and interrogation skills"

"Congratulations to the host for successfully arresting criminals and obtaining 30% of the shares of Vienna Hotel Group."

"Congratulations to the host for successfully arresting criminals and obtaining ownership of Binhai Sports Stadium."


A series of clanging beeps almost made Ye Feng faint with excitement.

It may be because the rewards are too many and too generous, and the system unexpectedly reminds one by one in an uncharacteristic manner. This shows the weight of the arms case.

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