Chapter 81

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“At this time we received a call from the kidnapper!”

“He said that the child is in his hands, and if he wants a child, he will come out with 400w!”

“He gave us two hours to raise money, and then let us wait for his call, and he would arrange for us to pay for the ransom!”

“Now I can’t wait for a minute. I don’t know how the child is now, and I don’t know if she will be abused. If something happens to the child, I won’t be able to live!”


In the end, the mother of the child has cried into tears.

Ye Feng was silent for a moment, his brain spinning rapidly.

This is obviously a premeditated kidnapping case!

The kidnapper must have investigated the couple’s family situation and knew that they had the conditions to pay the ransom. They stepped on it beforehand, and took advantage of the child to go to the cram school to complete the kidnapping directly.

For the rest, there is no clue!

Can’t do it!

Ye Feng immediately judged that if he helped in a personal capacity, he might not be able to take care of it well. If a little girl was harmed because of this, Ye Feng would never forgive himself for the rest of his life!

Then, it is necessary for the police officers to act together to be able to cover everything and not give the kidnappers a chance.

So Ye Feng directly spoke to the couple.

“The situation is a bit complicated now, and we don’t know anything about the kidnappers.”

“Of course you can pay the ransom by yourself, but you can only pray that the kidnappers will keep their promises and that the money can really release people.”

“But once the kidnappers have no bottom line, then the two of you will have no ability to resist the possible dangers. Not only will the children be unable to save them, but even the two of you may be in danger.”

Hearing Ye Feng’s words, the couple became more frightened. Obviously, they also thought of this possibility.

Although they are not afraid of danger, the problem is that the child cannot be saved and everything else becomes meaningless.

“What should I do then?” the child’s mother asked anxiously.

Ye Feng waved his hand and motioned for the two to calm down first.

“My suggestion still requires police intervention.”

“Of course I also understand the concerns of the two. I am afraid that the kidnappers will know that you call the police, which will be detrimental to the children.”

“But we will do our best to conceal the action during the investigation, so that the kidnappers will not know that you have called the police.”

“As long as the kidnappers still want to get the money, they will definitely expose their flaws. We will quickly lay down the net to catch the kidnappers and rescue the children.”


Ye Feng’s words plunged the couple into contemplation. After a while, the expression of the boy’s father became firm.

“Okay, listen to you. I have no other requirements. It doesn’t matter if the money is not returned. I only want my daughter to come back safely!”

When he said this, the boy’s father looked at Ye Feng with hope, as if Ye Feng was their last hope.

Ye Feng nodded heavily, “Trust me, I will let the little princess come back safely.”

Then, Ye Feng asked the couple to raise money, which is more conducive to paralyzing the kidnappers.

Then, he called back to Wanshuihe Police Station and reported the matter to the station.

Li Bin received a call from Ye Feng. Although he was surprised, he didn’t talk nonsense. He acted immediately. The two patrol teams and the criminal investigation team were all on standby and ready to act.

However, Li Bin also knew that this kind of case was beyond the control of the police station, so he immediately reported to the sub-bureau.

The sub-bureau was very efficient. It directly assigned Luo Hui, the squadron leader of the Criminal Investigation Squadron, and a criminal investigation team to the Wanshuihe Police Station to participate in the rescue operation.

Of course, all the people involved in the operation were dressed in casual clothes and drove in private cars, so they did not dare to reveal their identity at all.

“Your group is responsible for the monitoring, your group is responsible for monitoring the phone, and the rest are on standby.” Luo Hui arrived at the Wanshuihe Police Station and immediately took over the temporary command and made arrangements.

Then Luo Hui called Ye Feng.

“A Feng, how is your place?”

“The ransom is ready, 400w, and two big boxes of money.” Ye Feng reported truthfully: “Because the kidnappers wouldn’t let us call, we are waiting for the kidnappers to call. The time required by the kidnappers is about to come.”

“Okay, we will monitor the phone, and I will contact you again when there is news from the monitoring.” Luo Hui nodded and put down the phone.

At this moment, the girl’s father’s phone rang 0….

“Is the money ready?” A hoarse voice rang on the other end of the phone, and Ye Feng frowned. His voice might have passed through the voice changer. Maybe it was a group of professional kidnappers.

“Ready, the money is packed in two big boxes!” The girl’s father quickly replied, and then choked up and asked: “How about the child? You didn’t hurt the child? Can I listen to the child’s voice?”

After a ringing, the girl’s cry came from the other end of the phone, “Mom and Dad, save me, I’m so scared!”

Hearing the girl’s voice, my mother couldn’t help it anymore, and started crying, and she fell to the ground.

“Zixuan, you have to be strong, don’t be afraid, Mom and Dad will save you right away!” Dad shouted into the phone, wishing he could get into the phone and reach the end of the phone and go to the child.

“Now, you should be relieved?” The robber’s voice was heard again after changing his voice, “Now, you drive to the side of the road downstairs in the Qianda Building with the money, and I will continue to tell you what to do when you get there!”

After the phone was hung up, Ye Feng immediately stood up, picked up the cash box and went downstairs with the couple, ready to go to the location the kidnapper said.

In order to avoid being discovered by the kidnappers, Ye Feng has been lying on the back seat.

At this time, his phone rang.

“A Feng, the kidnapper’s phone number is an internet phone and cannot be located!” Squadron Captain Luo Hui informed Ye Feng of the situation. “Monitoring outside the training school showed that a man took his child into a Trumpchi silver commercial vehicle. Look at the license plate. It’s clear, but if you continue to call for monitoring from the direction the vehicle is traveling, the car seems to be completely lost.”

Ye Feng couldn’t help his heart sinking. Judging from the kidnappers’ methods, they really did this professionally.

Trumpchi commercial vehicles are the largest commercial vehicles on the market, and they run everywhere on the street.

Since the car can no longer be found through the license plate, it can only mean that the kidnapper changed the license plate in a hidden place.

And if you want to check all the Trumpchi commercial vehicles that pass this section of the road during this time period, the workload is not generally large, and the time is simply too late.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng couldn’t help but get a headache.

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