Chapter 188

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"It feels like you are a thief!" Li Yanfei pinched Ye Feng's soft spot, as if she was making her petty.

Ye Feng repeatedly begged for mercy, but still curiously asked: "Why do you call me a chicken thief? Is this commendatory?"

"Just take it as if I'm complimenting you!" Li Yanfei said helplessly: "I think you like the legendary pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger. It looks very ordinary, but when you shoot it, you can surprise you!"

Ye Feng couldn't help but smile, this description is indeed very appropriate.

Although it is his duty and obligation to catch criminals, it is his responsibility and obligation, but it is also very interesting to be able to satisfy the little evil taste of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger while punishing criminals.

"When shooting with me that day, you deliberately played similarly to me, just to see my jokes one day, right?"

Li Yanfei bit her teeth and pinched her hands on the soft flesh of Ye Feng's waist.

"Benefactor, I'm not trying to save you face!" Ye Feng pleaded bitterly, "Otherwise, your heroine's face won't hold back!"

Only then did Li Yanfei let go, and then asked Ye Feng with an expression of discovering the new world with interest: "You don’t seem to have practiced fighting, but how do I feel that you are also hiding on purpose? Not for a while. Just take the champion of the fighting match, right?"

Ye Feng couldn't help but want to laugh.

If you say that you have deliberately hidden your shooting ability, this is fine.

But when did he deliberately hide his fighting ability?

That's because I don't have the opportunity to perform at all, OK!

However, before Ye Feng could speak, a worried look appeared on Li Yanfei's face.

"It is said that the fighting match has been fierce. Although there will be no casualties, some minor injuries may not be avoided. You must be careful!"

Ye Feng smiled and gave Li Yanfei a touch to kill, "Don't worry, your husband is invincible in the world~〃!"

Li Yanfei couldn't help rolling her eyes, "Who are you husband!"

Soon, the afternoon fighting game will begin.

Because the threshold of fighting competitions is much higher than that of shooting competitions, there are actually not many contestants.

Only Ye Feng participated in the Criminal Investigation Brigade, with one person from each of the following two sub-bureaus, and a community policeman from the police station who had practiced martial arts.

In addition, there are four special police officers from the special police brigade, with a total of eight players.

The competition system is even simpler, two-by-two battles, winning promotion, and finally all the way to decide the championship.

When the eight contestants stood up, they drew another exclamation at the scene.

No way, they were shocked by Ye Feng in the morning, but who would have thought that Ye Feng would come back to the fighting game in the afternoon!

This is a completely different concept from shooting competition!

In the shooting competition, even if you are not playing well, you can participate in it casually.

But the fighting game is about fighting against others. If you know nothing, you will only be hammered when you come to power. The kind of hammered nose and swollen face, but yourself!

Is it possible that Ye Feng is not only a super shooter, but also a master fighter?

If you don't have two things, wouldn't it be insulting yourself to come on stage!

But if Ye Feng's fighting ability is really strong, they really don't believe it.

Because it's not scientific!

How can a person have such a strong ability to solve crimes and at the same time be a super shooter, and then you tell me you can fight...

That's really enchanting!

Therefore, everyone's eyes were all focused on Ye Feng, and even the other contestants were all staring at Ye Feng, which felt unbelievable.

At this time, Ye Feng stood among several contestants, and his expression remained calm and calm, as if he would not have any psychological fluctuations due to other people's attention.

In fact, he did not panic either!

After he came to power, he was the only one who had his share of the hammer. How could anyone have his share of the hammer?

There is no need to draw lots. There are four special police squads standing there, and one person can pick one.

Anyway, the four of them won't directly play against each other. They also want to eliminate their opponents at the same time, and then take the top four!

In this regard, the special police brigade reported extremely high hopes, or the determination to win.

After all, where do ordinary police officers practice this every day!

Soon, a police officer from a criminal investigation squadron came onto the stage and picked a member of the special police brigade, and the two began to practice.

Fists and feet fly up and down, you come and I go, the fight is very lively.

However, it can be seen that although the officers of the Criminal Investigation Squadron have certain skills, there is still a big gap between the overall strength and the special police officers.

So within a few minutes, the winner has already been determined.

All the members of the special police brigade who were watching the battle applauded in a sudden, and the atmosphere was enthusiastic.

Ye Feng couldn't help but applaud.

This should be one of the three masters who won Wang Hao in last year's competition, right?

I have to admit that it is indeed very standard.

It's just that this is a relatively ordinary person, but for Ye Feng, if it is only at this level, it is still not enough.

Soon, the second group and the third group duel ended.

Unsurprisingly, the two special police brigade members defeated their opponents and broke into the semi-finals.

As long as the last SWAT team member defeats Ye Feng, the semi-finals of the fighting game will become an internal competition for the SWAT team.

At this time, everyone's eyes were on Ye Feng and the last SWAT member.

"` ~ Come on!" Li Yanfei raised her fan fist to cheer Ye Feng.

What's interesting is that, before Ye Feng responds, the police officers on the scene (Li Hao) started to make a fuss and made Li Yanfei blush.

Ye Feng scratched his head, waved at Li Yanfei, and jumped onto the martial arts stage.

But almost in an instant, Ye Feng's momentum has completely changed. Just now, Ye Feng, who was just like the big boy next door, is like a master of fighting, Yue Zhiyuan.

The face of the SWAT team on the opposite side changed abruptly. Feeling the tremendous pressure that Ye Feng brought to him, his forehead started to sweat.

The horror in his heart was like a sea tide, one wave after another, making him unable to calm down at all.

He never thought that Ye Feng was a real master!

This powerful oppressive force has never been given to him even by a fighting instructor who was once in the special forces team!

At that moment, it was like being in a storm in the sea, leaving him no way to control himself.

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